No. of Player:1 - 4 Age:10+ Playing Time:100 mins Version:English The complete set includes the base game, Alliances expansion, Covenant expansion, Dark Horde model , The Coffers 1 and The Coffers 2 premium hard plastic tokens. Full set included base game, Alliances exp., Covenant...
- HK$ 2,299
HK$ 2,999- HK$ 2,299
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Save $ 700 -
No. of Player:1 - 4 Age:10+ Playing Time:100 mins Version:English Includes base game, Alliances expansion, and Covenant expansion . Included base game, Alliances exp. and Covenant exp . For an age, the tower lay in ruins. Unbeknownst to the people of the realm, a...
- HK$ 1,899
HK$ 2,379- HK$ 1,899
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Save $ 480
There are 3 Page(s) and article(s) for 'return-to-dark-tower*'
[Available now] Return to Dark Tower All in Bundle (EN)
No. of Player:1 - 4 Age:10+ Playing Time:100 mins Version:English The complete set includes the base game, Alliances expansion, Covenant expansion,...View product -
[Available now] Return to Dark Tower Game Play Bundle (main game and expansion) (EN)
No. of Player:1 - 4 Age:10+ Playing Time:100 mins Version:English Includes base game, Alliances expansion, and Covenant expansion . Included base...View product -
精選優惠桌遊推介:《Return to Dark Tower All in Bundle》!於Dice Tower Awards 2022獲得多項提名, 並蟬聯「Best Solo」及「Best Co-op」第一名!All in Bundle 仲包含最新擴充Covenant!識玩梗係要玩最好、最齊又最抵嘅!優惠桌精選桌遊低至6折,包括輕Game、重Game、Party Game咩都有。無論你係Gamer還是想同家人朋友一齊玩,都唔好錯過呢個好機會! 本優惠不能與其他優惠同時使用,數量有限,先到先得。*限時精選優惠桌遊至7月20日。*此優惠不可與現金優惠券及不獲得會員積分。*如有任何爭議,MonsterGeek保留最後決定權。*優惠受條款及細則約束。View article