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No. of Player:1 - 4Age:14+Playing Time:60 - 120 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 《骸骨險境》是一款可供單人或多人合作的骰子構築角色扮演遊戲,帶你進入一個充滿敵人,寶物,以及艱難遭遇的開創性冒險中!不需要城主,你的故事會根據你所要消滅的獨裁者而展開。你會遭遇敵人,你會獲得夥伴,你會得到戰利品,所有這一切,都會影響你接下來的戰鬥!跟隨你冒險的步伐,你將會解鎖新的技能與屬性骰子,讓你更加強壯,與隊友配合的更好。請謹慎規劃,與獨裁者進行的最終戰鬥已經迫在眉睫! Too Many Bones comes loaded for bear by breaking into a new genre: the dice-builder RPG. This game takes everything you think you know about dice-rolling and turns it on its head. Dripping with strategy,...
- HK$ 1,509
HK$ 1,589- HK$ 1,509
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慳$ 80 -
No. of Player:2 - 12Age:14+Playing Time:30 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 一場杯觥交錯、明爭暗鬥的遊戲,搭配美酒和毒藥,適合2-12位各懷鬼胎的玩家一同較勁。 在古代的歐崔維亞王國,每個人都喜歡國王,但更想成為國王! 若要將繼承制度變得對你有利,只要將一滴毒藥放入正確的酒杯中??準備好進行一場狡猾、欺騙和虛張聲勢的遊戲! 將你的酒藏在屏風後面,倒入一滴毒藥在謀害目標的酒杯裡,並且手上務必握有一滴解藥?? 因為有一名玩家正在計劃毒殺你!?你必須隨時準備好乾杯! Otravia is a kingdom known as much for its beauty, as it is for its rulers' unfortunate habit of dying by poison. They long ago got abandoned notion of royal family lines, and...
- HK$ 349
HK$ 369- HK$ 349
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慳$ 20 -
No. of Player:1+Age:8+Playing Time:20 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) + English 9顆骰子、54個圖像、超過1000萬種不同的組合,帶來無窮盡的故事!你能否用這9個圖像創作出故事來? 『故事骰』是一款口袋型看圖說故事遊戲,任何年齡層的朋友均能藉此激發無窮盡的想像力。這並不是一款競爭性遊戲,你可以單獨或者與朋友一同享受。 投擲9顆骰子,以「很久很久以前….」來開始故事,並依9顆骰子上的圖案來編織故事。遊戲的目標是希望藉著不同的圖案激發玩家的想像力,因此故事沒有對或錯,你也做得到!這款遊戲可以獨自玩,亦可與朋友合作,輪流選擇一顆骰子來玩故事接龍喔! Rory's Story Cubes: Voyages – a pocket-sized set of nine cubes depicting 54 icons to inspire epic adventure – is the second expansion set for Rory's Story Cubes, while also being a standalone item. Made to...
- HK$ 109
HK$ 119- HK$ 109
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:8+Playing Time:25 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 身為國王的你,正在尋找新土地來擴張王國的勢力,並且提高自身的聲望。藉由占領麥田、森林、湖泊、草原、沼澤及山脈,找到最棒的領地來打造最有聲望的王國!但要小心,其他國王在覬覦這些土地唷!探索領地的同時,派遣騎士廣收租稅為你帶來財富。掌控好雄厚的資金與安排巧妙的策略,協助你建造各種建物,努力將自己的領地發展為富饒之城。注意!在你贏得女王青睞的同時,也要當心伺機出動的火龍! 多米諾女王是一款獨立遊戲,較多米諾王國更具挑戰性。玩家們可以單打獨鬥或分組競賽,連接你的多米諾板塊,建造一個5×5(3-4人遊戲)或7×7(2人遊戲)的正方形王國。當多米諾女王搭配多米諾王國進行遊戲時,最高可支援8名玩家同樂! Queendomino is a game completely independent from Kingdomino, while offering a choice of more complex challenges. Two to four players can play Queendomino independently, but also in connection with Kingdomino, allowing for games with 7x7 grids for four players, or...
- HK$ 285
HK$ 299- HK$ 285
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慳$ 14 -
No. of Player:2 - 6Age:10+Playing Time:20 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 追求公主大作戰,贏取公主芳心! 城裡所有年輕有為的男性(好吧,其中有些實在不算年輕…)都想要一親暴風城公主芳澤。但事情當然沒那麼簡單,因為公主身處深宮內院,所以你連想送個情書都得託人送進去。究竟誰能率先送達呢? All of the eligible young men (and many of the not-so-young) seek to woo the princess of Tempest. Unfortunately, she has locked herself in the palace, and you must rely on others to take your romantic...
- HK$ 119
HK$ 129- HK$ 119
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 6Age:8+Playing Time:30 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 怪獸齊集東京,爭取成為東京之王!佔領東京的怪獸自然傲視群雄、以寡敵眾,東京外的怪獸則虎視眈眈;發揮你的破壞力,成為第一個獲得20分的玩家,揮出雙爪消滅對手,最後生存的怪獸將獲得勝利。每回合玩家會投擲骰子並選擇最佳的骰子組合,是進攻對手?還是治癒慘重的傷害?或是準備更多的能量方塊以增強怪獸的超能力?來享受怪獸級的超能力戰鬥吧! King of Tokyo is a game for 2 to 6 players where you play as mutant monsters, rampaging robots, or even abominable aliens battling in a fun, chaotic atmosphere. Roll dice and choose your strategy: Will you attack...
- HK$ 309
HK$ 329- HK$ 309
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慳$ 20 -
No. of Player:2 - 6Age:10+Playing Time:40 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 繼《東京之王》後,激烈的怪獸大戰又在紐約開打啦!遊戲的基本概念與東京之王相同:擲骰、攻擊、佔領,並想辦法最快獲得20分。但不同的是,這次不但能透過摧毀建築物,來獲取分數或其他資源,還會有軍隊反擊!好好運用重新擲骰的機會,以及用最新的「超級巨星」獲得額外的分數,成為紐約最耀眼的怪獸吧!佔領曼哈頓絕對不比東京輕鬆呢~ NEW CITY. NEW RULES. NEW MONSTERS. SAME FIGHT... TO BE THE KING!There's always something happening in the city that never sleeps. Maybe it's the lights, maybe it's the energy, or maybe it's the giant monsters trying to...
- HK$ 369
HK$ 389- HK$ 369
- 單價
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慳$ 20 -
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:8+Playing Time:15 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 開創一個雄偉的王國! 身為國王,你正在尋找新土地來擴張王國的勢力並提高聲望,必須探索所有的土地、麥田、湖泊以及山脈,來找到最棒的領地。但是要小心,其他的國王也在覬覦這些土地唷! 選擇適當的多米諾板塊,妥善地將相同的地形拼放在一起,形成最大的領土,並透過事前的規劃,讓你王國中的每一寸土地都得到完善的利用,以獲得最高的聲望分數! Kingdomino is a 2-4 player strategy game that plays like dominoes with a kingdom-building twist. Each turn you will connect a new domino to your existing kingdom, making sure that at least one of...
- HK$ 199
HK$ 209- HK$ 199
- 單價
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:6+Playing Time:30 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 不論對於大人或小孩、新手或行家而言,都能在這享受絕無僅有彈跳技巧的樂趣。 玩家化身為蹺課企鵝,在校園裡迴旋、跳躍,此版本新增了三項彈跳任務,更具挑戰性! 1.輕彈企鵝! 2.奪走肥魚! 3.抓住淘氣鬼! 若您同時擁有「冰炫企鵝」,兩盒一起遊戲可以進行競技模式、設計新的校園場景。 升級成「冰炫企鵝兩校聯誼版」,體驗更酷炫的遊戲方式,以及最多支援8人同樂的刺激規則! Ice Cool 2 is a uniquely engaging dexterity game for children, families, and casual gamers. This is the follow up to the 2017 children's game of the year (Ice Cool). If...
- HK$ 465
HK$ 489- HK$ 465
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慳$ 24 -
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:6+Playing Time:30 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 在彈指之間,企鵝在校園內優美地滑行和跳躍!不只是酷,是冰酷! 午休前的最後一堂課,小企鵝們耐不住飢腸轆轆,偷溜去抓魚。 在每一輪遊戲中都有一位玩家擔任訓導主任, 他的目標是逮到那些蹺課去抓魚的小企鵝。 不論是訓導主任捉到小企鵝或小企鵝抓到魚,都可獲得分數。 遊戲結束時,得分最高的玩家獲得勝利。 Ice Cool is a flicking game in which each round one of the players takes the role of the Hall Monitor (also called "the Catcher") - his aim will be to catch...
- HK$ 465
HK$ 489- HK$ 465
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慳$ 24 -
No. of Player:2 - 8Age:8+Playing Time:30 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 一款要像閃電般迅速的反應遊戲 適合2到8個8歲以上的聰明頭腦! 幽靈巴頓在城堡的地下室發現1個老相機。他立刻拿起相機四處拍他想要變不見的東西,當然也包括他自己囉。但很可惜的是那個魔法相機照出來的顏色都是錯的。有時候會把綠色的瓶子照成白色,又有時候會照成藍色。 巴頓看著那些奇怪顏色的照片,記憶不起來他想要變不見的東西。你能在他離開前,幫他說出正確的名稱,甚至親手把他變不見嗎?如果你能快速地抓走正確的東西,你就有機會獲勝…… Geistes Blitz 2.0 – The new version of Ghost Blitz with different items – five wooden items sit on the table waiting to be caught: a white female ghost, a green frog, a grey bathtub, a blue...
- HK$ 189
HK$ 199- HK$ 189
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:1 - 4Age:12+Playing Time:30 - 120 mins Version:Chinese ( 中文 ) 肆虐數個世紀的黑死病消弭後,1670年代的中歐,文明世界重見曙光,人們開始擴建、翻修房舍,農田也待耕犁、播種與收割。長年糧食短缺,在麥片粥、麵包、蔬果不足以裹腹的情況下,人們開始食用更多的肉類(此習慣延續至今)。 在遊戲結束時,擁有最富饒農莊的玩家獲勝,沒被你吃下肚的動物們也是你財富的一部分。 此為2008年榮獲德國年度遊戲特別獎『農家樂』的更新版,遊戲機制及紙牌經過微調後,更臻完備,是進階玩家不可或缺的一款壓箱寶。 Updated and streamlined for a new generation of players, Agricola, the award-winning and highly acclaimed game by Uwe Rosenberg, features a revised rulebook and gameplay, along with wood pieces and...
- HK$ 569
HK$ 599- HK$ 569
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慳$ 30 -
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:8+Playing Time:5 - 10 mins Version:Chinese ( 中文 ) 快速又有趣的數字運算! 這遊戲和數1、2、3一樣簡單!玩家們要把牌堆最上面的紙牌加減1、2或3,如果他們手上有一樣數字的牌,就可以打出來。這聽起來很簡單,但是遊戲過程中可是全部的玩家同時搶著出牌,所以可以出牌的會一直改變,動作慢了點,可就沒得出囉!第一個將紙牌出完的人獲勝! 7 Ate 9 is a quick-playing card game in everyone wants to rid themselves of cards as quickly as possible — but you can't play just any card you want! Each card features...
- HK$ 129
HK$ 139- HK$ 129
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:14+Playing Time:30 - 120 mins Version:English Ashes: The Roaring Rose, which features new Phoenixborn Leo Sunshadow, is a full, ready-to-play Ashes expansion deck including three conjurations. Leo requires ten Charms (pink) dice to play, which are included in the Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn base set.
- HK$ 99
HK$ 149- HK$ 99
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慳$ 50 -
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:14+Playing Time:30 - 120 mins Version:English Rin Northfell is a jovial Phoenixborn whose lust for life and battle flares up like a beacon in his frigid homeland. Rin shuns the subtlety of complex magic, preferring spells and monsters as robust and as...
- HK$ 99
HK$ 149- HK$ 99
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慳$ 50 -
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:14+Playing Time:30 - 120 mins Version:English At the top of the world sits Blackcloud – a bleak and venerable city. There rules Brennen, a fifteen year old wielding merciless blood magic, seeking to restore his family and city to the terrifying glory...
- HK$ 99
HK$ 149- HK$ 99
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慳$ 50 -
No. of Player:2 - 5Age:13+Playing Time:90 mins Version:English C3K, which stands for "Creatures Crossover Cyclades/Kemet", is a mini-expansion that contains seven cards for Cyclades and six power tiles for Kemet. These components allow you to use the creatures from Cyclades (and the Cyclades: Hades expansion) in Kemet and the creatures from Kemet in Cyclades. With this expansion added to Kemet,...
- HK$ 99
HK$ 130- HK$ 99
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慳$ 31 -
No. of Player:1 - 5Age:14+Playing Time:120 - 180 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 在神祕的豪宅中,一一出現奇怪的現象。遊戲的每個回合分為兩個階段,分別是「調查階段」與「神秘階段」,兩個階段會不斷輪替直到玩家獲勝或全部陣亡。 準備好享受面對極限下的求生與體驗恐怖詭譎的氣氛吧! 《瘋狂詭宅》是由知名桌遊出版社FFG 以克蘇魯神話為背景所建構的。遊戲中玩家扮演調查員,進入一座神秘的豪宅,過程中遭遇各種奇異怪事,玩家們必須面對各種黑暗得恐懼,並想辦法在精神與肉體崩潰之前找出真相,成功逃出。《瘋狂詭宅》需要下載一款免費的APP才能進行遊戲。 Mansions of Madness: Second Edition is a fully cooperative, app-driven board game of horror and mystery for one to five players that takes place in the same universe as Eldritch Horror and Elder Sign. Let the...
- HK$ 989
HK$ 1,039- HK$ 989
- 單價
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慳$ 50