16 結果
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- 精選
- 暢銷度
- 依字母順序 (由 A 到 Z)
- 依字母順序 (由 Z 到 A)
- 價格 (從低到高)
- 價格 (從高到低)
- 日期 (從舊到新)
- 日期 (從新到舊)
- 精選
- 暢銷度
- 依字母順序 (由 A 到 Z)
- 依字母順序 (由 Z 到 A)
- 價格 (從低到高)
- 價格 (從高到低)
- 日期 (從舊到新)
- 日期 (從新到舊)
No. of Player:3 - 8Age:12+Playing Time:30 mins Version:Traditional Chinese(繁體中文) 小心!對手好像快破解你的密碼了!第二次世界大戰,同盟國破解了納粹的密碼,大幅縮短了戰爭。現在,你和你的解碼小組要想辦法破解對手的加密訊息,同時傳遞加密訊息給其他隊友! Communicate safely!The ultimate deduction game is back in a new, special edition. The #1 Party Game on BGG is celebrating its 5th birthday! Addictive as always, it now comes in an attractive black box with gold highlights. In addition to...
- HK$ 239
HK$ 249- HK$ 239
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 12Age:14+ Playing Time:45 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 由《THE MIND》和《MONIKERS》作者所設計的心電感應派對遊戲。《心靈共感》是款多人一起嗨的桌遊,兩個隊伍相互耍心機,比誰最能看穿隊友心思。遊玩過程中除了需要具備連猴子都會的技能:溝通、思考和擊掌之外,還有可能碰上高深的猜字讓你在抉擇過程中緊張飆汗、瘋狂口吃。不帶腦袋玩這款遊戲,就只能在旁邊吃瓜了!當你和隊友完全猜中時,像是被施了一道魔法,全身充滿透心涼的感覺,瞬間變得冰雪聰明。其他遊戲絕對不可能體驗過這種嗨翻天的爽快感。大家在答對的喜悅中邊尖叫邊擊掌,其他玩家用看蠢蛋的眼神憐憫你們瘋狂的樣子,這真是太狂太嗨啦。 Wavelength is a social guessing game in which two teams compete to read each other's minds. Teams take turns rotating a dial to where they think a hidden bullseye is located on a...
- HK$ 339
HK$ 359- HK$ 339
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慳$ 20 -
No. of Player:3 - 6Age:8+Playing Time:30 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 榮獲2010 Spiel des Jahres 德國年度遊戲大獎以及多款大獎!而現在,這一款知名遊戲結合迪士尼回來了!《說書人:迪士尼》是一款運用你的想像力跟直覺的精美插圖遊戲。再訪迪士尼與皮克斯的經典,並放飛自己想像力吧!來自設計師的話:我設計《說書人》的初衷是希望讓玩家們體驗一場充滿想像跟詩意的驚奇旅程。遊戲中的每張圖畫都開啟了一扇通往夢想花園的窗,而我們只需要靠簡短的字彙就能讓所有人分享這份驚奇。數年以來,歸功於玩家們的天馬行空,讓畫師們帶領我們探索更多夢想中的樂園。而現在,《說書人》終於能一窺迪士尼與皮克斯充滿魔法的故事。這個絕妙的碰撞必定能激發出玩家更多的想像力。加入這場全新的冒險,跟我們一起體驗迪士尼的夢幻世界。 Dixit: Disney Edition features 84 cards, with each card representing one of 84 films in the Disney or Pixar catalog from Steamboat Willie to Turning Red.Each player at his turn plays the storyteller.He is given a...
- HK$ 349
HK$ 369- HK$ 349
- 單價
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慳$ 20 -
No. of Player:5 - 10Age:8+Playing Time:20 mins Version:Japanese and English "A Fake Artist Goes To New York" is a game for 5 - 10 players. You have to draw and to conclude. Trying to conclude something while drawing is not as easy as you think...! Here's the...
- HK$ 179
HK$ 189- HK$ 179
- 單價
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:4 - 10Age:8+Playing Time:10 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 村長找到了一個魔法咒語。如果所有人同時說出這個詞,狼人將會被永遠逐出這個村莊!然而,魔法咒語強大的力量卻讓村長說不出話;他只能透過指示物來回答「是」與「否」。先知得知了魔法咒語,但是必須隱藏身分,因為狼人就在你們之中。 In Werewords, players guess a secret word by asking "yes" or "no" questions. Figure out the magic word before time is up, and you win! However, one of the players is secretly a werewolf who is not...
- HK$ 169
HK$ 179- HK$ 169
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:4 - 8Age:8+ Playing Time:20 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 眨眨眼,誰是我的夥伴呢?這是個適合在派對時遊玩的遊戲,玩家需要靠著眨眼的暗示來找到跟他有同張卡片的夥伴!但說者有意、聽著無心,要想辦法讓在天涯一方的夥伴接收到你的暗號,玩起來其實沒那麼簡單喲!但要小心,其他玩家也可以抓到你的暗示喔,所以要小心不要讓別人發現,偷偷地傳送暗示給你的夥伴吧! To set up WINK, lay out an array of numbered cards on the table, then distribute a second set of matching cards face down among the players, with a few cards not used and...
- HK$ 189
HK$ 199- HK$ 189
- 單價
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:3 - 12Age:8+Playing Time:30 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 『說書人:奧德賽』是款挑戰你想像力與推理能力的說書人遊戲。遊戲所附的84張精美圖畫都有不同的故事,而且每個人每一次說出的故事都不一樣,讓每場遊戲充滿全新驚奇! 屏氣凝神!圖畫即將掀開了!這些圖畫都圍繞著一個主題:一段令人費解的句子。實際上這句子是源於這五張圖畫之一,到底是哪一張呢?請運用你的天賦及直覺來找到它,同時也要躲開其他玩家所設下的陷阱。 怎麼玩?1. 輪到你擔任說書人時,說出和你某一張手牌有關聯的一句話。例如:『無窮無盡』2. 所有人挑選一張和這句話最吻合的手牌,將大家挑選的手牌洗在一起後攤開。3. 玩家進行秘密投票,將票投給自己認為是說書人所出的牌,猜對的人將獲得高分! 『奧德賽』是款獨立遊戲,不須搭配『說書人』基本版即可進行遊戲。更棒的是,你可以12人同時進行遊戲,還可以進行團隊賽! Dixit Odyssey is both a standalone game and an expansion (Dixit Odyssey (expansion)) for Jean-Louis Roubira's Dixit, which won Germany's Spiel des Jahres award in 2010. Game play in Dixit Odyssey matches that of Dixit:...
- HK$ 339
HK$ 359- HK$ 339
- 單價
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慳$ 20 -
No. of Player:4 - 8Age:9+Playing Time:15 mins Version:Japanese and English A new, spicier version of the hit conversation game, Insider, which sold 100,000 copies worldwide! While trying to find the correct answer to the quiz you also need to be on the look out for the...
- HK$ 179
HK$ 189- HK$ 179
- 單價
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:3 - 10Age:8+ Playing Time:30 mins Version:English What hue do you think of when we say “apple”? Hues and Cues is a vibrant game of colorful communication where players are challenged to make connections to colors with words. Using only one and two-word cues, players...
- HK$ 295
HK$ 309- HK$ 295
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慳$ 14 -
No. of Player:3 - 7Age:8+ Playing Time:20 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 《獨家暗語》是一個聚會時玩的合作遊戲。您要竭盡全力爭取獲得最高分!和朋友們聚在一起,在您的畫板上秘密寫下線索,並讓其中一名玩家,即當前玩家,猜一個神秘的詞語。為了讓您不會寫出與其他玩家相同的線索,自行選擇線索,無需經過討論,且線索必須是原創的。進行遊戲時,在當前玩家看到線索之前,所有相同的線索將會被宣布無效。獨家暗語是一款合作遊戲,您可以和朋友一起玩耍,發現盡可能越多越好的神秘單字。找到最好的線索來幫助您的隊友。記得要盡量想出獨一無二的單字,因為所有相同的線索都會被刪掉! Just One is a cooperative party game in which you play together to discover as many mystery words as possible. Find the best clue to help your teammate. Be unique, as all identical clues will be...
- HK$ 235
HK$ 249- HK$ 235
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慳$ 14 -
No. of Player:3 - 8Age:14+Playing Time:15 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 除了變色龍以外的玩家每個人都知道秘密字彙。但到底誰是變色龍呢?為了抓住變色龍,玩家們必須用一個詞來描述“秘密字彙”。太明顯的話變色龍就能成功融入;太模糊的話你就會看起來很可疑。 遊戲內含45張字卡與1張白板材質的大卡+白板筆,讓你可以使用預設的題材或是自己想出詞彙!快,揪出你們之間的變色龍吧! A bluffing deduction game for everyone. Each round involves two missions, depending on whether you’re the Chameleon or not. Mission 1: You are the Chameleon. No one knows your identity except you. Your mission is...
- HK$ 205
HK$ 215- HK$ 205
- 單價
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 8Age:14+Playing Time:15 - 20 mins Version:English Codenames can now be played with Pictures! Whimsical, mind-twisting illustrations are used instead of word cards. Can you find one word that ties your team's pictures together? Can be played with or instead of the original Codenames....
- HK$ 229
HK$ 239- HK$ 229
- 單價
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:4 - 8Age:9+Playing Time:15 mins Version:Japanese and English "Insider“ combines two fun components: finding the answer to a quiz and revealing the Insider. While communicating to others you have to find the right answers to a quiz and also find the "Insider" that is...
- HK$ 179
HK$ 189- HK$ 179
- 單價
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2+Age:7+Playing Time:15 mins Version:English U MUST SPEAK IN SINGLE SYLLABLES OR GET HIT WITH STICK. Poetry for Neanderthals is a family-friendly party game similar to Taboo® where players earn points by getting their teammates to guess words and phrases. The catch is that...
- HK$ 199
HK$ 209- HK$ 199
- 單價
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:4 - 12Age:10+ Playing Time:40 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 《語破天機》是一款充滿想像空間的猜題遊戲,同組的玩家需要共同協作,將各種符號放置在遊戲的圖板上作為提示,引導玩家回答!展開你天馬行空的想像力吧! In Concept, your goal is to guess words through the association of icons. A team of two players – neighbors at the table – choose a word or phrase that the other players need to...
- HK$ 349
HK$ 369- HK$ 349
- 單價
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慳$ 20 -
No. of Player:3 - 6Age:10+Playing Time:30 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 密語幸運草! 是一個需要合作完成的字詞聯想遊戲。請組隊進行遊戲,爭取刷新高分記錄! 抽取關鍵字卡牌,在四葉草圖版上秘密地寫下它們的共同特徵;這些共同特徵是您的線索。然後齊心協力,設法猜出每一名玩家寫下的關鍵字。 遊戲結束時,根據你們猜出的關鍵字數量,相加得出你們的總分,寫在「傳奇記錄」榜單中。努力在每一局遊戲中刷新高分記錄吧! So Clover! is a cooperative word-association game. Play as a team to get the highest score. Get Keywords and secretly write their common features on your Clover board; these are your...
- HK$ 219
HK$ 229- HK$ 219
- 單價
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慳$ 10