No. of Player:1 - 4Age:14+ Playing Time:45 - 90 mins Version:繁體中文 (TC) 不受限於他魔鬼般的外表,寇特.華格納由於他的突變能力和溫柔的內心,在X戰警這個大家庭中贏得了一席之地。現在,他利用瞬間移動能力和冒險犯難的精神,成為驚奇的藍魔鬼,來阻止不公不義。 必須配合《漫威傳奇再起:卡牌遊戲》核心包進行遊玩 Shunned for his demonic appearance, Kurt Wagner’s mutant heritage and gentle heart earned him a family in the X-Men. Now he uses his teleportation power and adventurous spirit to thwart injustice as the...
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:14+Playing Time:60 - 90 mins Version:English
在River of Gold中,玩家扮演與傳奇武士氏族聯盟的河上商人,每個人都渴望利用這條河流賺取財富、榮耀和智慧。你會投資開發沿岸的港口、市場、神社等嗎?還是你會依靠航行在這條黃金之河上,通過履行交付合約、拜訪貴族以及在艱難時期獲得一些神的眷顧來增加財富和影響力?
River of Gold採用了由著名幻想地圖製作師Francesca Baerald設計的鑲金質感的遊戲板圖,不僅美觀大方,遊戲玩法也快速有趣,等待時間較少,全程只需一小時。歐式遊戲愛好者會喜歡這款中重量級遊戲,而且規則簡單易學,你很快就可以把River of Gold帶到桌面上了。
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:14+Playing Time:90 - 120 mins Version:English
繼Beyond the Sun後又一力作Beyond the Horizon。
Beyond the Horizon是一款文明遊戲,玩家通過探索擴張、發展生產、研究技術進步來競爭成為歷史上最有影響力的社會。
No. of Player:1 - 4Age:14+ Playing Time:45 - 90 mins Version:繁體中文 (TC) 不受限於他魔鬼般的外表,寇特.華格納由於他的突變能力和溫柔的內心,在X戰警這個大家庭中贏得了一席之地。現在,他利用瞬間移動能力和冒險犯難的精神,成為驚奇的藍魔鬼,來阻止不公不義。 必須配合《漫威傳奇再起:卡牌遊戲》核心包進行遊玩 Shunned for his demonic appearance, Kurt Wagner’s mutant heritage and gentle heart earned him a family in the X-Men. Now he uses his teleportation power and adventurous spirit to thwart injustice as the...
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:14+Playing Time:60 - 90 mins Version:English
在River of Gold中,玩家扮演與傳奇武士氏族聯盟的河上商人,每個人都渴望利用這條河流賺取財富、榮耀和智慧。你會投資開發沿岸的港口、市場、神社等嗎?還是你會依靠航行在這條黃金之河上,通過履行交付合約、拜訪貴族以及在艱難時期獲得一些神的眷顧來增加財富和影響力?
River of Gold採用了由著名幻想地圖製作師Francesca Baerald設計的鑲金質感的遊戲板圖,不僅美觀大方,遊戲玩法也快速有趣,等待時間較少,全程只需一小時。歐式遊戲愛好者會喜歡這款中重量級遊戲,而且規則簡單易學,你很快就可以把River of Gold帶到桌面上了。
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:14+Playing Time:90 - 120 mins Version:English
繼Beyond the Sun後又一力作Beyond the Horizon。
Beyond the Horizon是一款文明遊戲,玩家通過探索擴張、發展生產、研究技術進步來競爭成為歷史上最有影響力的社會。
No. of Player:5 - 10 Age:8+ Playing Time:20 mins Version:Japanese and English
"A Fake Artist Goes To New York" is a game for 5 - 10 players. You have to draw and to conclude. Trying to conclude something while drawing is not as easy as you think...!
Here's the game roughly explained:
1. Everyone tries to draw what the game master wrote on their cards, but are only allowed to draw one line each (If the topic is "cat", you could draw an ear or a whisker, so that the others know you know the topic).
2. There is one fake artist among the players who doesn't know the topic and draws a line randomly.
3.All players can draw two lines all in all and then have to decide who the fake artist is.
4. If the fake artist gets the most votes, he loses.
5. If he doesn't get the most votes, he and the game master win the game.
Now you might think it is extremely easy to find out who the fake artist is, but there is one more rule.
6. Even if the fake artist got the most votes, he can still guess the topic of the picture everyone drew and win if he guesses right.
Knowing this rule it becomes much more difficult for the real artists to draw their lines, because they want to show the other artists that they know the topic of the picture, but don't want to be too obvious in front of the fake artist. the picture becomes a crazy mess!
Everyone is fighting to win the game and the picture thus becomes a mess.
No. of Player:1 - 4Age:14+ Playing Time:45 - 90 mins Version:繁體中文 (TC) 不受限於他魔鬼般的外表,寇特.華格納由於他的突變能力和溫柔的內心,在X戰警這個大家庭中贏得了一席之地。現在,他利用瞬間移動能力和冒險犯難的精神,成為驚奇的藍魔鬼,來阻止不公不義。 必須配合《漫威傳奇再起:卡牌遊戲》核心包進行遊玩 Shunned for his demonic appearance, Kurt Wagner’s mutant heritage and gentle heart earned him a family in the X-Men. Now he uses his teleportation power and adventurous spirit to thwart injustice as the...
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:14+Playing Time:60 - 90 mins Version:English
在River of Gold中,玩家扮演與傳奇武士氏族聯盟的河上商人,每個人都渴望利用這條河流賺取財富、榮耀和智慧。你會投資開發沿岸的港口、市場、神社等嗎?還是你會依靠航行在這條黃金之河上,通過履行交付合約、拜訪貴族以及在艱難時期獲得一些神的眷顧來增加財富和影響力?
River of Gold採用了由著名幻想地圖製作師Francesca Baerald設計的鑲金質感的遊戲板圖,不僅美觀大方,遊戲玩法也快速有趣,等待時間較少,全程只需一小時。歐式遊戲愛好者會喜歡這款中重量級遊戲,而且規則簡單易學,你很快就可以把River of Gold帶到桌面上了。
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:14+Playing Time:90 - 120 mins Version:English
繼Beyond the Sun後又一力作Beyond the Horizon。
Beyond the Horizon是一款文明遊戲,玩家通過探索擴張、發展生產、研究技術進步來競爭成為歷史上最有影響力的社會。
No. of Player:1 - 4Age:14+ Playing Time:45 - 90 mins Version:繁體中文 (TC) 不受限於他魔鬼般的外表,寇特.華格納由於他的突變能力和溫柔的內心,在X戰警這個大家庭中贏得了一席之地。現在,他利用瞬間移動能力和冒險犯難的精神,成為驚奇的藍魔鬼,來阻止不公不義。 必須配合《漫威傳奇再起:卡牌遊戲》核心包進行遊玩 Shunned for his demonic appearance, Kurt Wagner’s mutant heritage and gentle heart earned him a family in the X-Men. Now he uses his teleportation power and adventurous spirit to thwart injustice as the...
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:14+Playing Time:60 - 90 mins Version:English
在River of Gold中,玩家扮演與傳奇武士氏族聯盟的河上商人,每個人都渴望利用這條河流賺取財富、榮耀和智慧。你會投資開發沿岸的港口、市場、神社等嗎?還是你會依靠航行在這條黃金之河上,通過履行交付合約、拜訪貴族以及在艱難時期獲得一些神的眷顧來增加財富和影響力?
River of Gold採用了由著名幻想地圖製作師Francesca Baerald設計的鑲金質感的遊戲板圖,不僅美觀大方,遊戲玩法也快速有趣,等待時間較少,全程只需一小時。歐式遊戲愛好者會喜歡這款中重量級遊戲,而且規則簡單易學,你很快就可以把River of Gold帶到桌面上了。
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:14+Playing Time:90 - 120 mins Version:English
繼Beyond the Sun後又一力作Beyond the Horizon。
Beyond the Horizon是一款文明遊戲,玩家通過探索擴張、發展生產、研究技術進步來競爭成為歷史上最有影響力的社會。