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No. of Player:1 - 4Age:8+ Playing Time:25 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 快速!簡單!迷人!烏邦果是一款節奏明快、讓人上癮的簡單幾何拼放遊戲,玩家必須和時間賽跑並和對手競爭,完成環環相扣的板塊拼放。越快完成就能得到越多寶石,九回合後,寶石價值最高的玩家獲勝!遊戲進行方式:每位玩家拿取一套共12片的幾何板塊,每片形狀不同的板塊都由多個大小相同的正方形所組成。回合開始時,每位玩家拿取一張新的拼圖板,一位玩家擲骰決定必須用哪些板塊填滿拼圖板上的空格,在時限內完成的人大喊「烏邦果」,接著從袋子裡隨機拿取一顆寶石。最快完成的人可以額外獲得一顆藍寶石,次快完成的人可以額外獲得一顆黃寶石。不同顏色寶石帶來不同分數,九回合後,得分最高的玩家獲勝。 In Ubongo, players compete to solve individual puzzles as quickly as they can to get first crack at the gems on hand for the taking.
- HK$ 419
HK$ 439- HK$ 419
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No. of Player:2Age:7+ Playing Time:30 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 在這簡約富有時尚感的棋盤存在著劍拔弩張的黑白大軍。玩家們輪流推動圍繞在棋盤上的彈珠,目標將對方的六個彈珠推離棋盤。而推動彈珠的動力取決於,一排彈珠的數量,較重一方的彈珠可沿著軸將對方的彈珠推離棋盤,然而,玩家們必須運用機智完美地預測六個可能的方向藉此保護自己。 This beautiful and functional board has room for two teams of large marbles. Players take turns pushing the marbles around the board, with the goal of pushing six of the opposing player's marbles off the board. The central...
- HK$ 189
HK$ 199- HK$ 189
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No. of Player:2Age:7+ Playing Time:30 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 在這簡約富有時尚感的棋盤存在著劍拔弩張的黑白大軍。玩家們輪流推動圍繞在棋盤上的彈珠,目標將對方的六個彈珠推離棋盤。而推動彈珠的動力取決於,一排彈珠的數量,較重一方的彈珠可沿著軸將對方的彈珠推離棋盤,然而,玩家們必須運用機智完美地預測六個可能的方向藉此保護自己。 This beautiful and functional board has room for two teams of large marbles. Players take turns pushing the marbles around the board, with the goal of pushing six of the opposing player's marbles off the board. The central...
- HK$ 299
HK$ 319- HK$ 299
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No. of Player:2 - 4Age:12+ Playing Time:30 - 120 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 本遊戲盒內含504款遊戲!九個不同的遊戲模組,造就504種不同的規則組合!每次遊戲請依序選擇三個不同的模組,第一個模組將決定你的獲勝方式,第二個模組決定你賺錢的方式,最後一個模組則勾勒遊戲的大致走向,這樣一共有9x8x7=504種組合!504讓你擁有近乎無限的可能性;每個世界都帶來獨特的挑戰。 In a distant future, scientists were able to build small alternate Earths.Exactly 504 such Earths have thus far been built. The scientists programmed each of these Worlds with an individual set of laws and rules...
- HK$ 699
HK$ 735- HK$ 699
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Save $ 36