Age of Sigmar Battletome: Slaves to Darkness

【預訂優惠】Age of Sigmar Chaos Battletome: Slaves to Darkness

HK$ 439
HK$ 489
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語言: English - Chaos Battletome: Slaves to Darkness
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Age of Sigmar Battletome: Slaves to Darkness

【預訂優惠】Age of Sigmar Chaos Battletome: Slaves to Darkness

$ 489 $ 439

【預訂優惠】Age of Sigmar Chaos Battletome: Slaves to Darkness

$ 489 $ 439
語言: English - Chaos Battletome: Slaves to Darkness

No. of Player:2
Playing Time:60 - 240 mins 

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  • An essential guide to collecting and playing Slaves to Darkness armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar
  • Includes inspirational background material, 43 warscrolls, plus the rules you need to use them in matched play and narrative games
  • Features a self-contained Spearhead section with gameplay and hobby advice to help get you started even faster

The Slaves to Darkness are champions clad in hellforged armour, fearsome chieftains, and cabalistic sorcerers who lead daemons, monsters, and madmen into battle under the banner of Archaon the Everchosen. Their ranks are swollen by those who turned to the Dark Gods during the Age of Chaos to survive – traitorous murderers all – and each walks the precarious Path to Glory.

Chaos Battletome: Slaves to Darkness is crucial for collectors and gamers – regardless of which ruinous power they favour. This essential tome is positively seething with inspiring artwork, loads of background material, stunning photography, and the rules you need to unleash your barbaric hordes on the battlefields of the Mortal Realms. You’ll find warscrolls, Regiments and Armies of Renown, Path to Glory and Anvil of Apotheosis rules, plus a self-contained Spearhead section to help get you up and running faster. No matter how you like to play or paint Slaves to Darkness, this book is for you.

This 128-page hardcover book contains:
– Background material detailing the history, culture, and organisation of the Slaves to Darkness, and how these mortals came to be followers of Chaos
– A thorough description of each unit, combining detailed photography, artwork, and background material
– Faction rules including seven battle traits, four battle formations, three heroic traits, and three artefacts of power
– Three Spells, three Manifestations, and five Ensorcelled Banners
– 43 warscrolls for units, terrain, and Manifestations
– A Spearhead guide, including gameplay and hobby advice for the Darkoath Raiders, along with its own set of warscrolls and army abilities
– Narrative Path to Glory rules, including the Anvil of Apotheosis, allowing you to create your own hero
– Rules for one thematic Army of Renown and two Regiments of Renown that can be added to other Chaos armies
– A handy reference section with army abilities, spells, and battle traits

This book contains a unique digital code for use with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App.


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