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MonsterGeek 現購買任何桌上遊戲本地運費一律港幣$25送到指定自取點。買滿港幣$800更有免運費優惠!


No. of Player:1 - 8
Playing Time:45 mins 
Version:Traditional Chinese(繁體中文)


由你... 來決定夢幻隊伍!
遊戲的玩法為牌庫構築,你可以招募吟遊詩人、海怪、玩具鴨鴨、美人魚、小丑等... 管他的,只要能贏就好,還要考慮到你的運氣!這些卡牌翻開的順序會大大影響著你的勝利與否,這場輸了沒關係!總共會進行7場對戰!最後的前兩名還會來場一對一單挑大賽!緊張又刺激的錦標賽要開始了!快抓起你的行囊前往公園來決一死戰!

Challengers! is an interactive deck-management game for 1-8 players that plays in about 45 minutes independent of player count. With the tournament gameplay style, you meet another opponent every round.

In the Deck Phase, you choose new members and add them to your deck, which might consist of a wizard, alien, cat, gangster and kraken. 75 distinct characters with more than 40 exciting effects create a unique experience every game. Choose from six different sets and discover new strategies and synergies every game.

In the Match Phase, stay in flag possession to win the trophy of that round. Try to get the most fans and trophies over the course of seven rounds to be able to qualify for the final. If you can best your opponent in the final, you win Challengers!

(If you think that all sounds a lot like a board game adaption of a digital Autobattler, we are proud to tell you that this is the first of its kind!)
