No. of Player:2 - 6
Playing Time:20 mins
Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 )
在《星際大戰:賈巴的宮殿 - 情書遊戲》裡,玩家使用帶有來自遙遠星系的著名人物的卡片來智取並戰勝對手,
就像最初的情書一樣 。但目標與讓某人愛上你無關。相反,你正在為生存而戰。
改編自經典派對遊戲《情書》以《星際大戰》中的著名角色來場充滿心機的紙牌遊戲,同時您還可以利用《星際大戰六部曲:絕地大反攻》中標誌性人物的能力。 人物卡牌包括路克天行者、波巴‧費特、薩拉瑟斯‧克拉姆、赫特人賈霸 等角色,都有不同的效果。
The lair of Jabba, the Hutt is a place of danger and deception. Players compete using members of the Rebel Alliance and denizens of Jabba’s Palace in a game of rebel bravery and vile deceit.
Based on the beloved card game and set in the Star Wars galaxy, Star Wars: Jabba’s Palace - A Love Letter Game retains the simple and fun mechanics of the original as you utilize the talents of iconic characters from Return of the Jedi. Players take turns using the elegant “draw a card, play a card” gameplay and then executing the card’s effect. Cards include characters like Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, Salacious Crumb, Jabba the Hutt, and many more, with each card offering different effects, such as Boba Fett allowing you to take a card from another player, or Salacious Crumb allowing you to look at another player’s hand.
Players use abilities from members of both the Rebel Alliance and Jabba’s crew to outwit and outlast the others. On top of the classic mechanics from the original Love Letter game, Star Wars: Jabba’s Palace - A Love Letter Game also introduces Agenda cards. This offers new win conditions, adding another level of strategy to the game.
Agenda cards like Exalted One awards the player with the highest number in hand the win. However, cards like Jabba’s Court and Rescue Mission switch it up and award the victory to the player with the most Palace or Rebels cards, respectively, in the play area. These and other Agenda cards ensure varied strategies will be needed with every game beyond simply eliminating other players.
In a quick card game of rebel bravery and vile deceit, can you carry out your agenda while outthinking your foes?
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