馬拉開波 連 艦隊小擴充 Maracaibo (included La Armada)

$ 849.00 $ 899.00
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No. of Player:1 - 4
Playing Time:30 - 120 mins 
Version:Traditional Chinese(繁體中文)

在17世紀的加勒比海:各個國家不斷爭奪主權,同時也致力於鞏固自身在該地區的政治與經濟實力。你作為航海家和冒險家,正努力提高自己在這些國家的聲譽,建立強大的聯盟,最終獲得財富與名望。你必須全力以赴才能獲勝 — 但你的對手可不會讓你如願。只有成功且執行你的計劃,勝利才會屬於你!


由策略遊戲大師 Alexander Pfister 所精心設計的全新桌上遊戲。立刻登船,啟航前往《馬拉開波》!獨特的單人模式:你將可以透過故事模式遊玩 《馬拉開波》並體驗一場刺激的冒險。在此過程中,遊戲的玩法將會發生驚人的變化。豐富的配件:大張遊戲版圖,超過200個木質配件,多於260張卡牌,甚至還有更多內容物!

Maracaibo, a strategy game for 1-4 players by Alexander Pfister, is set in the Caribbean during the 17th century. The players try to increase their influence in three nations in four rounds with a play time of 40 minutes per player.

The players sail on a round course through the Caribbean, e.g., you have city tiles where you are able to perform various actions or deliver goods to. One special feature is an implemented quest mode over more and various tiles, which tells the player, who chase after it, a little story.

As a player, you move with your ship around the course, managing it by using cards like in other games from Alexander Pfister.
