石器時代2.0史前部落成年禮擴充 Paleo: The Initiation Exp.

$ 45.00
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No. of Player:2 - 4
Playing Time:60  mins 
Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 )  


此模組須搭配《石器時代2.0 史前部落》方能進行遊戲。

A new generation has grown up. Today is their big day: the four aspirants must each pass a test to become a full member of the tribe.

Module L is about the trial that the 4 young tribe members have to take. The 4 character cards are distributed among the players and they try to pass the exams together.

This module can only be played together with Paleo. It is particularly suitable for getting to know the game. Together with module A or B, it is an alternative to level I. The Initiation Rite offers enough challenges for advanced players as well.