天痕決戰大全套 Skytear Bundle Set

$ 1,539.00 $ 1,625.00
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No. of Player:2 - 4
Playing Time:45 mins 
Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 

天痕決戰大全套 包含:《天痕決戰 起始主遊戲 Skytear Starter Box》、 《派系擴充業務 繰面 Kurumo Exp》、《派系擴充 利奧坦 Liothan Exp》、《派系擴充 陶洛Taulot Exp》、《派系擴充 紐普頓 Nupten Exp》及《擴充 灰燼之中 Into Ashes Exp》。


《天痕決戰》是一款對戰式卡牌桌上模型遊戲,可供二到四位玩家遊 玩。當玩家人數為三人或四人時,將分為兩隊進行。 取決於遊玩的地圖與玩家人數,每位玩家將控制2到4個英雄。


只要玩家摧毀敵方的核心節點(標記該符號的格子)或完成勝利牌上的 一或更多條件,該玩家立即贏得遊戲。


遊戲持續進行,直到一位玩家贏得遊戲或過完5回合。每個回合包含以下4個階段:【入侵者階段】如果有任何控制入侵者的玩家,將啟動這個巨大的元素(在遊戲的第一個 回合期間跳過此階段)。

【英雄階段】玩家輪流啟動一個英雄,直到所有英雄都被啟動過。啟動一個英雄表示從5個可選的行動中,執行3個不同的行動:移動、攻 擊、游擊、領導與奉獻。



【重置階段】玩家進行補給能力,這包含抽取新的能力牌、重生被擊敗的英雄、和回復英雄的靈力(靈力是打出能力牌所需的資源)。 在下一頁你可以設置你的第一場遊戲,並對《天痕決戰》的遊戲配件更加熟悉。





《擴充 灰燼之中 Into Ashes Exp》:天痕決戰》的卡牌擴充,新增勝利牌與多張卡牌,可以擴充你的牌庫。

Skytear is a competitive card-driven miniatures game inspired by MOBA video games (like League of Legends) featuring 28 heroes from an original fantasy universe.

Using a draft system that supplements regular deckbuilding, players pick heroes from four factions in order to flexibly respond to their opponent's selections. Then, using these heroes, players compete to take control of the lanes and lead the minions there to assault the enemies towers, or enter the dome to take control of the outsider there. In doing so, they will win one of the three victory conditions selected at the start of the game, allowing for potential bluffing or feints by switching objective.

Skytear is diceless, instead revolving around modifiers printed on every power cards. This duality of effect means deckbuilding is a nuanced issue: cards that are most beneficial when played (and likely will) come with a negative modifier, reducing the effectiveness of most attacks. At the same time, drafting a particular hero provides you with their associated cards, meaning flexibility can be integrated into your hero selections.

With two maps, 28 heroes, and over 65 power cards at launch, Skytear is an extremely replayable tactical experience.
