【最新到貨】心靈同步: 神通廣大 The Mind: Soulmates

$ 109.00 $ 119.00
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No. of Player:2 - 4
Playing Time:20 mins 
Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 

玩家輪流擔任先知,可以查看部分紙牌,並給夥伴寶貴的提示, 其他玩家在非常有限的資訊中進行遊戲,


The Mind Soulmates uses the same principles of The Mind, with players trying to co-operate without communication to master multiple levels of card play.

In this game, however, in addition to playing numbered cards correctly in ascending order, they must also play all cards face down, revealing them only after all cards have been played. To help them do this, one player takes the role of seer — and the seer knows more than everyone else!

Each round, a specific number of cards are dealt out to players, and the seer is allowed to look at some of these cards in advance of play in order to give the team clues about these numbers on a wipeable board.

After the players have placed all cards face down, the seer checks whether the cards are in the right order, thereby completing the level. If not, the team loses a life, and the seer distributes these same cards again. In addition, the seer gives another hint.

If the team masters all twelve levels, they have won and can now call themselves "soulmates".
