No. of Player:1 - 4
Playing Time:30 - 60 mins
地精海岸(Goblin’s Coast)正遭到潛伏於附近山中的邪惡勢力圍攻。一行冒險者回應了對英雄的召喚,前來清除這個地區的腐敗穢物。深入地城,清除地下墓穴中的邪惡爪牙,躲避魔法陷阱,擊敗邪惡之源。但時間至關重要!英雄們必須儘快穿過愈發昏暗的走廊,完成自己的使命,否則黑暗就將吞噬他們……以及整個世界!
英雄們在篝火旁擠作一團,享受著篝火的暖意,但週身危機四伏的森林卻讓他們疲倦不堪。冒險者們從奧赫摩爾(Aughmoore)的五湖四海旅行至地精海岸(Goblin’s Coast),都有着屬於各自的故事等待向新結識的夥伴們訴說。來到這裡的冒險者中,有人為了名譽,有人為了金幣,還有人則是為了更加罪惡的事業。但此時此刻,這些看似不對付的人們卻結成盟友,共同面對這項艱鉅的任務:進入地城、擊敗頭目、完成任務並拯救世界。
Tiny Epic Dungeons is a fully co-operative dungeon crawler for 1 to 4 players set in the fantasy world of Aughmoore.
In Tiny Epic Dungeons, players control a band of Heroes exploring a treacherous dungeon in search of the fearsome Dungeon Boss. Heroes make their way through the dungeon one room at a time. Around every corner goblins and ferocious minions seek to block the Heroes’ path. Where there isn’t an enemy, traps are set, ready to spring on even the most prepared Hero.
Tiny Epic Dungeons features a modular dungeon that is unique with each play.
The game is played over two acts: The Dungeon, and the Dungeon Boss. In both acts, the players are constantly struggling against the waning firelight of their torch which decreases each turn. When the torch goes out, the Heroes are forever lost in the darkness.
After clearing the dungeon of all its' minions and finding the entrance to the lair, players must engage in an epic battle against the Boss. Each boss has unique abilities and a lair with a unique environment that gives various advantages and disadvantages depending on the skill used and where the Hero attacks from.
These Epic Monsters cannot be slain by mere swords, axes, arrows, and the occasional spell. Ritual Rooms around the dungeon must be used to lower their magical bond to the dungeon. The Dungeon boss must be lured to these rooms to lower their defenses and allow the Heroes to strike the final blow!
Victory in Tiny Epic Dungeons is achieved by defeating the Dungeon Boss! In order to do that, the Heroes will need to collect legendary loot, and supreme spells
Heroes of old crafted loot to honor the ways of their clans. Bear, Lion, Phoenix, and Panther. Heroes can discover pieces from these ancient sets that grow more powerful the more you collect.
Will you be the greatest warrior the Bear clan has ever seen? Or will you make the Panther clan proud by stalking your prey and striking with surprising force, unseen before the moment of impact?
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