深淵之中 Unfathomable

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No. of Player:3 - 6
Playing Time:120 - 240 mins 
Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 )  

《詭鎮奇談》世界觀衍生新作,機制改編自重度陣營遊戲《Battlestar galactica》 在《深淵之中》遊戲中,你和你的同伴控制著一艘蒸汽船,但並不是所有人都可以信賴。當恐怖的深潛者從海洋深處的碎隙中湧出,任何玩家都可能是隱藏的邪惡異教徒或恐怖的混血深潛者。不要背對著別人——如果不想讓你們的船葬身海底,你必須使盡渾身解數、與成群的深潛者戰鬥、找出變節者,並駕駛大西洋號安全返航!

The year is 1913. The steamship SS Atlantica is two days out from port on its voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. Its unsuspecting passengers fully anticipated a calm journey to Boston, Massachusetts, with nothing out of the ordinary to look forward to. However, strange nightmares plague the minds of the people aboard the ship every night; rumors circulate of dark shapes following closely behind the ship just beneath the waves; and tensions rise when a body is discovered in the ship's chapel, signs of a strange ritual littered around the corpse.

Lurking within the depths of the Atlantic Ocean are a swarm of vicious, unspeakable horrors: the Deep Ones, led by Mother Hydra and Father Dagon. For reasons unknown, they have set their sights on the Atlantica, and their minions, taking the form of human-Deep One hybrids, have infiltrated the steamship to help sink it from within. Each game of Unfathomable has one or more players assuming the role of one of these hybrids, and how well they can secretly sabotage the efforts of the other players might mean the difference between a successful voyage and a sunken ship.
