No. of Player:1 - 5
Playing Time:90 - 150 mins
Version:Traditional Chinese(繁體中文)
村莊中的生活並不輕鬆!但至少居民們有許多發展的空間,有些人在議會中任職;有些在教堂裡服務;還有些人踏上探索世界的旅程。每位玩家將扮演一個家族的領袖,努力讓自己的家族聲名遠播。 但是,請牢記最重要的事:時間不等人。隨著時間過去,家族成員會陸續過世玩家們必須努力增加家族的名聲,獲得聲望分數。
遊戲結束時,獲得最多聲望分數的玩家獲勝,你的家族將在村莊編年史中流芳千古。遊戲會進行數個輪次,你要在遊戲過程中明智的將你的家族成員派遣到村莊中的各個地方,以此決定他們的命運。他們會讓你獲得聲望、影響力、貨物或金幣,取決於你為他們選擇的職業。 村莊中的不同區域提供不同選項。每個區域都有與其相關的行動格,你可以藉由這些行動格取得不同種類的影響力和觸發特定的行動。
除此之外,大部分的行動都要耗費時間。就像在現實世界一般,年長的家族成員最終會過世,當一名家族成員過世時,他們的職業會決定其是否能在村莊編年史中占有一席之地。 當村莊編年史或公墓其中一方的空格完全被佔據時,遊戲結束。此時你會從每個在村莊中的家族成員獲得分數,聲望分數最高的玩家勝利。
Life in the village is hard, but life here also allows the inhabitants to grow and prosper as they please. One villager might want to become a friar. Another might feel ambitious and strive for a career in public office. A third one might want to seek their luck in distant lands.
In Village, each player takes the reins of a family and attempts to help them find fame and glory in many different ways. There is one thing you must not forget, however: Time will not stop for anyone, and given enough time people will vanish. Those who find themselves immortalized in the village chronicles will bring honor to their family and be one step closer to victory.
In more detail, each turn you take a cube from an area on the game board, then take the action of that area. The board has zones with specific attributes, a market, a travel zone, a crafting zone, a church, and a council house, and each zone is seeded with cubes of four colors as well as black cubes that serve as curses. Many of these areas offer multiple actions, so if for example you take a cube from the crafting area, you can get an ox, a horse, a cart, a plow, or a scroll, or you can convert wheat to gold. Some areas offer short-term scoring, others offer long-term scoring, and still others offer only endgame scoring. The round ends when no cubes remain at any location. The game ends when either the village chronicle or the anonymous graveyard is full.
Village: Big Box contains the Village base game, the Inn and Port expansions, every promo previously released, and a new "Marriage" expansion, with all of the materials being integrable with one another and with the game now containing a solo mode as well as revised gameplay, dual-layered player boards, and a larger, double-sided main board that eliminates the need for the overlays used in the original expansions.
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