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- 日期 (從新到舊)
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- 依字母順序 (由 Z 到 A)
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No. of Player:1 - 4Age:14+ Playing Time:120 - 180 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 第四次黑暗時期即將來臨。不死者威卡蹣跚的不死大軍正在進擊,龍王里拉薇克斯的僕從也以千鈞之勢南下。同時,烏圖克耶蘭部落在無形之手的操控下不斷擴張。在特瑞諾斯分崩離析之際,我們的英雄必須為他們的家鄉鑄造新的未來,但他們能夠承擔這個重責大任嗎?《叛爵之戰》是《深入絕地:暗黑世界傳說》的第二章節,1到4位玩家將繼續布琳、潛斯、葛雷登、喀莉、賽勒斯與瓦里克斯的旅程,他們將奮勇抵抗威脅王國存亡的邪惡勢力。你將掌握新的能力;對抗新的敵人;見證新的傳說。《叛爵之戰》是渴望重遊特瑞諾斯世界的人不可錯過的重要擴充。你能在黑暗面前昂首挺立嗎?還是等待你的會是烈火及毀滅的結局? 結合遊戲專屬的APP,讓你在冒險跑團時有自動記錄功能。甚至還能選擇關卡、搭配敘事等,最重要的是遊戲進行時,不需要額外一位GM控制怪物啦!這一切就交給APP,玩家們好好合力對抗這片土地上的威脅吧! 本遊戲為一款1至4名玩家的地下城冒險桌上遊戲!借助APP的完整指引,玩家將更能專注在冒險過程並精進自己的角色。在經歷多種故事任務後,你將提升自己的技能及經驗值,以應對更大的挑戰。製造全新的武器和裝備以強化自己戰力。最終和團隊們共同挑戰這段史詩冒險的盡頭。 *必需要配合深入絕地: 暗黑世界傳說主遊戲。 Descent: Legends of the Dark – The Betrayer's War, a.k.a., Descent Act II, is a sprawling and deeply co-operative dungeon crawler driven by player choice – all powered by an...
- HK$ 1,499
HK$ 1,679- HK$ 1,499
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慳$ 180 -
No. of Player:2 - 6Age:6+Playing Time:10 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 在這趟『非洲之旅』中,你會窺見獅子、犀牛、大象、花豹和斑馬的風采。 你能猜到在旅程終了時,誰會成為最有價值的動物嗎?在適當的時機打出正確的紙牌,並收集最有價值的動物,讓你在遊戲結束時獲得高分,可惜,動物的價值會隨著打出的紙牌而改變哦! 『非洲之旅』的規則簡單,易學易教,但是變化迅速,對全家大小來說都是款緊張刺激、富有挑戰性的遊戲! Wildlife Safari was originally published by AMIGO as Flinke Pinke. This game is one of those 'painfully simple' Reiner Knizia games. There are five different colored chips, with six cards, zero through five, in each of the colors. The...
- HK$ 259
HK$ 269- HK$ 259
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:8+ Playing Time:30 mins Version:English 此貨品包括全都是Synth Card的Santorini Pantheon Edition、Santorini Turntable、Riddle of the Sphin及全Acrylic Tokens Upgrade。 Santorini is an accessible strategy game, simple enough for an elementary school classroom while aiming to provide gameplay depth and content for hardcore gamers to explore, The...
- HK$ 1,339
HK$ 1,409- HK$ 1,339
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慳$ 70 -
No. of Player:1 - 4Age:10+ Playing Time:30 - 45 mins Version:Traditional Chinese(繁體中文) 身為市長,你是都市開發最重要的推手,抽取紙牌來收集資源,建設各式各樣的建築,促進這座城市蓬勃發展。試著找出能夠提升彼此價值的建築組合,讓這座城市欣欣向榮、永續經營。 City Connect is a city building game from Japan. Players draw from a draft and lay out city cards in their own tableaus. The cards are in 10 different types. Each card has costs,...
- HK$ 99
HK$ 109- HK$ 99
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:13+Playing Time:35 mins Version:English 啟發於手機遊戲 Disney 魔法師競技場 ,在Disney Sorcerer's Arena: Epic Alliances你可以征召 Disnet 同 Pixar 裡的角色在魔法師競技場 中一決高下!邊位玩家可以玩用好每位角色能力係致勝關鍵!快快參加魔法師競技場同你嘅家人朋友爭奪魔法師之王寶座! The Disney's Sorcerer's Arena Epic Alliances – At the Ready expansion brings three new characters into the area: Robin Hood, Mrs. Potts, and Mulan, each with new attacks...
- HK$ 219
HK$ 229- HK$ 219
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:13+Playing Time:35 mins Version:English 啟發於手機遊戲 Disney 魔法師競技場 ,在Disney Sorcerer's Arena: Epic Alliances你可以征召 Disnet 同 Pixar 裡的角色在魔法師競技場 中一決高下!邊位玩家可以玩用好每位角色能力係致勝關鍵!快快參加魔法師競技場同你嘅家人朋友爭奪魔法師之王寶座! Disney Sorcerer's Arena: Epic Alliances – Thrills & Chills Expansion adds three new characters to Disney Sorcerer's Arena: Epic Alliances: Mother Gothel, Jack Skellington, and the Horned King....
- HK$ 219
HK$ 229- HK$ 219
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:13+Playing Time:35 mins Version:English 啟發於手機遊戲 Disney 魔法師競技場 ,在Disney Sorcerer's Arena: Epic Alliances你可以征召 Disnet 同 Pixar 裡的角色在魔法師競技場 中一決高下!邊位玩家可以玩用好每位角色能力係致勝關鍵!快快參加魔法師競技場同你嘅家人朋友爭奪魔法師之王寶座! Take your combat skills in Disney Sorcerer’s Arena: Epic Alliances to all new levels with this game-changing expansion pack! Elsa, Buzz Lightyear, and Scar bring new...
- HK$ 219
HK$ 229- HK$ 219
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:1 - 5Age:10+ Playing Time:30 mins Version:Traditional Chinese(繁體中文) 歡迎來到這專屬藝術的慶典!身為一名畫家的你,需要收集各種插畫的透明插畫卡,並將它們堆疊以創作出獨一無二的畫作。插畫卡能拼湊出截然不同的得分要素,這將取決於選擇的卡片與堆疊的順序。每種組合都有獨特的情境、插圖與標題。當完成3幅畫作時遊戲結束,取得最高分的玩家,將在這專屬藝術的慶典中脫穎而出! 由最近畫過圖的玩家開始回合。一旦完成回合,就輪到順時針方向的下一位玩家進行回合。輪到你的回合時,必須在2項行動中,選擇拿走1張插畫卡或完成1幅畫作其中一項執行。你目前持有的插畫卡必須至少3張,才可以完成1幅畫作。從你持有的插畫卡之中選擇3張與任意1張背景卡堆疊在一起並放入卡套。你能以任意順序疊放插畫卡,但唯有顯露的元素能被計分。當全部玩家都完成3幅畫作時,遊戲結束並進行最終計分,最高分玩家獲得勝利。 In Canvas, you play as a painter competing in an art competition. Players will collect art cards, layering 3 of them together to create their own unique Painting. Each card contains a piece of artwork as...
- 從 HK$ 319
HK$ 359- 從 HK$ 319
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慳$ 40 -
No. of Player:2 - 5Age:9+Playing Time:20 mins Version:Japanese and English Rely on your RivalA bay full of huge whales and orcas, and quite popular among whale-watching tourists, is becoming overrun with tour companies. The whales on the other hand, seem to be enjoying themselves, sometimes showing...
- HK$ 189
HK$ 199- HK$ 189
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 5Age:7+Playing Time:20 mins Version:Japanese and English It's the "Extreme" version of "Nine Tiles" - now more chaotic than ever before!After having sold over 200,000 copies, the popular board game "Nine Tiles" has received an advanced version that is available now! Move and...
- HK$ 179
HK$ 189- HK$ 179
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 5Age:7+Playing Time:20 mins Version:Japanese and English 嘿,新手!歡迎加入!「差異發展部」(DDD)的主要職責是製作尋找差異的謎題!我們希望你能拿起我們預先製作的插圖,添加一些差異。但等等!我們不需要告訴你,讓它太容易就不好玩,但另一方面,讓它太難也會令人沮喪。你必須找到適中難度的黃金點,讓尋找差異有足夠的挑戰性。如果你在限定時間內找到差異,你就得分!對於每個想要自己製作尋找差異謎題的人來說,這是一款適合你的桌上遊戲!與朋友和家人一起,共度歡樂時光! Make the Difference是著名遊戲Spot the Difference (找不同)的桌遊變奏版,於其中一張遊戲圖本畫上5條線,以製造5個「錯處」讓其他玩家嘗試找尋。 如果你可以製造適當難度的錯處讓其他玩家找到,又或者是大的錯處但無人找到,你都可以得分。 Split the difference with Spot the Difference. Not too easy, not too hard!Hey, newbie! Welcome! The main role of the DDD, "The Department of Difference Development", is making...
- HK$ 229
HK$ 239- HK$ 229
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 6Age:6+Playing Time:20 mins Version:Japanese and English 噢!那位喜歡給出令人困惑的訂單的顧客又來了。一起合作記住他們的訂單。如果你不記得給你的訂單卡片也沒關係。但通常情況下,只有你記得的訂單會回到你手上。不知為何,人們總是給出錯誤的訂單!要記住的內容不多,但如果你做得不太好...別擔心!希望別人能替你記住!好了,大家準備好挑戰了嗎!? 《Order Overload: Cafe》是一款合作記憶遊戲,讓你記住客人訂單。即使你對自己的記憶技巧沒有信心,忘記...也是一種樂趣!規則很簡單,可以由2至6名玩家合作遊玩,因此無論是兒童還是成人都可以一起享受遊戲。同時也推薦給桌上遊戲的新手。訂單卡上印有如「熱咖啡」和「冰拿鐵」等訂單,這些訂單會被大聲讀出來,每個玩家都要記住這些訂單卡。將剛才的訂單卡洗勻後再發給每個人,記住剛才讀出的訂單。然後,猜測其他玩家手中的訂單卡。猜對的訂單會被揭示,但如果其他玩家手中沒有你猜的訂單,你就被淘汰了。如果在所有人被淘汰之前,你完成了需要揭示的訂單卡的設定數量,則關卡完成!隨著關卡的提升,訂單卡的數量增加,難度也增加。你能通過的最高關卡是多少? Forgetting………is fun!?UH OH! Here comes that customer who likes to give confusing orders. Work together to memorize their order. It's ok if you don't remember the order cards that were given to...
- HK$ 179
HK$ 189- HK$ 179
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 5Age:9+Playing Time:15 mins Version:English and 繁體中文(TC) SCOUT for the show!You have suddenly been appointed as the leader of a circus. Using the members of your circus you must put together a show that will beat out your rivals. Everyone on your...
- HK$ 189
HK$ 199- HK$ 189
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 5Age:9+Playing Time:20 mins Version:English and 簡體中文(SC) I will protect this dog!5 cabinets members have become so infatuated with the King's dogs that they have hidden them away so that only they can show it affection. "You! Have you seen my dog!?"...
- HK$ 189
HK$ 199- HK$ 189
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 5Age:9+Playing Time:20 mins Version:English and 簡體中文(SC) 那個證詞有什麼問題嗎? 這個鎮上殺人案件太多,偵探也太多了。今天,有幾位偵探目睹了一起謀殺案。利用只有你知道的信息,並考慮其他偵探的推理,你必須小心翼翼且熟練地試圖取得優勢,並宣佈嫌疑犯就是罪犯。你能擊敗你的對手,成為這個鎮上有史以來最偉大的偵探嗎?這是一款充滿推理、演繹和複雜預測的競爭性遊戲。這是Oink Games早期作品的新版本,有更新的規則和升級的組件。對於之前版本的玩家來說,這也是一款很棒的遊戲! What's wrong with that testimony?This town has too many murders and too many detectives. Today several detectives have witnessed a murder. Using the information that only you are aware of as well...
- HK$ 189
HK$ 199- HK$ 189
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 10Age:8+Playing Time:15 mins Version:Japanese and English Play cards to the rhythm.[Awarded innoSPIEL!]Take turns playing cards to the rhythm and aim for the high score in this cooperative style game. Become a member of a rap crew and skillfully connect the cards to...
- HK$ 179
HK$ 189- HK$ 179
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 7Age:7+Playing Time:20 mins Version:Japanese and English 搖搖鈴......憤怒的大猩猩! 今天,叢林水果店再次熱鬧起來。店員們忙得不可開交,開始在沒有查看新到貨庫存的情況下幫助顧客。雖然他們沒有查看庫存,但其他員工肯定已經檢查過了。但在所有的興奮中,他們竟然接了太多的訂單……當這種情況發生時,如果有人按鈴,店長大猩猩就會從辦公室中衝出來。如果他們發現超賣的訂單......哦,想想都太可怕了!小心那三隻正在四處晃悠、等著制造麻煩的大猩猩兄弟! 玩家們扮演叢林水果店的店員。每個人從牌堆中抽取一張卡片,並購買一些水果,你只能看到其他玩家的卡片,而不能看到自己的。其中一張卡片是未知的。在這個過程中,玩家們接受水果訂單。訂單卡中有兩種水果,玩家必須選擇其中一種水果下訂單。當然,最終訂單會變得太多。如果你覺得訂單太多,就按鳴手鈴,經理就會過來。一隻巨大的大猩猩!如果接受的訂單太多,被經理點名的玩家將受到譴責。但另一方面,如果訂單沒有太多,那麼叫來經理的人就會遇到麻煩。一直這樣做,直到經理的憤怒等級達到7時遊戲結束。經理的憤怒等級從1開始,最高到7,所以如果被一個非常憤怒的經理處罰,你可能會一蹶不振...!緊張感不斷上升!但這還不是全部。還有三隻淘氣的大猩猩在給玩家們制造麻煩。 Ring the Bell...Angry Gorilla!Today the jungle fruit shop is busy and bustling once again. The shop's clerks, having too much to do, have started helping customers without checking the new inventory that has arrived....
- HK$ 189
HK$ 199- HK$ 189
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 5Age:7+Playing Time:20 mins Version:Japanese and English Think Faster!Race to create your town to the best of your ability as the conditions keep changing. Just completing the town is easy enough, but quickly satisfying all the conditions is enough to make your brain go...
- HK$ 219
HK$ 229- HK$ 219
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 6Age:8+Playing Time:30 mins Version:Japanese and English I hope your stuff sinks!A group of explorers sailed around the world amassing a mountain of treasure. But on the voyage home they were hit by a massive storm! The ship and all its treasure are going...
- HK$ 179
HK$ 189- HK$ 179
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慳$ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 6Age:9+Playing Time:20 mins Version:Japanese and English 你是一位職業摔角推廣者!今年你必須照顧一些分配給你的新選手。如果他們輸了,你的贊助商會非常生氣...所以你必須不惜一切代價取勝!這就是為什麼你必須了解你的摔角選手的實力至關重要。問題是你的六個摔角選手都是新手。他們有多強,你可以按什麼順序送他們上場呢...?準備好戰鬥吧! You are a Pro Wrestling promoter! This year you must take care of some new wrestlers assigned to you. If they lose, your sponsors will be very upset...So you must win at any cost! This is...
- HK$ 179
HK$ 189- HK$ 179
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慳$ 10