權力的遊戲:鐵王座 Game of the Thrones: The Iron Throne

$ 329.00 $ 349.00
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No. of Player:3 - 5
Playing Time:30 - 60 mins 
Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 )  

談判、欺騙、結盟、背叛 – 無所不用其極的擴張你的勢力,建立你的地盤,並坐上這片大陸的唯一統治地位:鐵王座!
這款遊戲參考了知名桌遊”銀河衝突 Cosmic Encounter”的遊戲機制,玩家必須在無數戰鬥中運籌帷幄、謀取利益,搭配上精緻的美術,值得一玩再玩!

In Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne, which uses the game systems from Cosmic Encounter, you and your friends each command one of the Great Houses of Westeros, pitting iconic characters against each other in epic battles and schemes. Negotiate, bluff, forge alliances, threaten your rivals — use every tool at your disposal to spread your influence, establish supremacy, and claim the ultimate prize: the Iron Throne!