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No. of Player:1 - 4Age:12+Playing Time:30 - 120 mins Version:English Release Date: Aug 2025 此 Lost Ruins of Arnak: Adventure Chest 並不包括主遊戲及其他擴充。 Prepare for another adventure in the world of Lost Ruins of Arnak. Pack all your essentials easily into one Adventure Chest that fits...
- HK$ 629
HK$ 799- HK$ 629
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Save $ 170 -
No. of Player:2 - 5Age:7+ Playing Time:35 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 卡卡頌3.0套裝包括:卡卡頌3.0主遊戲及霧中情誼。 卡卡頌是位於法國南部的一座美麗古城,也是中古時代教會對抗異教徒的重鎮 ,這座城堡牢不可破的防禦工事,不論是在當時或今天都堪稱一絕!在一塊塊拼起的版圖中有城堡、道路、草原和修道院,隨著回合的進行,版圖將逐漸擴大。玩家如同中古時代的君王或諸侯,派遣手下去開疆拓土,手下可擔任騎士、強盜、農夫或修士,去建立、管理或佔領城堡、道路、草原和修道院。每拼放一塊版圖,玩家就有機會派遣手下擔任一個角色,如何拼放和派遣才能讓你在遊戲終了時獲得最高的分數?在你發現大好的得分機會時,手中還有可以派遣的手下嗎? 這款合作即競爭的策略性版圖遊戲,每次玩都會激盪出不同的策略或同盟關係,除了對圖像的敏感外,開放的合作態度更是致勝的關鍵!由簡單的遊戲規則創造出極具深度的遊戲經驗,這正是它榮獲2001年德國年度遊戲評審團獎冠軍,以及德國玩家票選最佳遊戲第1名的原因。 此遊戲不但能訓練各年齡層朋友的思考策略,更能培養朋友與家人之間的合作及互動,最適合全家同樂及朋友聚會! 《卡卡頌 霧中情誼》除了是一款獨立遊戲,亦可當作卡卡頌擴充使用。其中包含濃霧、皇宮和墓園三種全新要素,可分別加入基本版,亦可全部加入使用,還能搭配其他擴充一同遊玩喔! 濃霧籠罩著田野,吞噬了整座卡卡頌。「濃霧喚醒了鬼魂,十字軍東征期間喪命的亡魂前來索要屬於他們的正義!」聽到修女的闡述,即使是最勇敢的騎士也會魂飛魄散、雙腿顫抖,盔甲咔噠咔噠作響!玩家們要攜手合作、共同努力,撫慰不安的靈魂,才能讓卡卡頌恢復昔日的平靜。卡卡頌世界中,首款全新規則與配件的合作遊戲。如果已經熟悉卡卡頌的規則,這款遊戲對將能輕鬆上手。遊戲依緊張刺激的程度分為6個等級,玩家們必須攜手共度難關。 卡卡頌3.0僅調整外包裝、說明書的美術設計風格,除此之外與卡卡頌2.0並無其他不同,卡卡頌3.0與2.0兩者板塊美術設計相同可兼容遊玩;內含河流擴充與修道院長擴充,讓你玩樂更盡興! ★卡卡頌3.0是什麼?卡卡頌3.0之遊戲規則與卡卡頌2.0、卡卡頌1.0皆相同,僅封面美術、說明書設計與前兩者不同,為作區別故名卡卡頌3.0。 ★卡卡頌3.0可與其他版本混用嗎?卡卡頌3.0與卡卡頌2.0的遊戲板塊相同,兩者可兼容遊玩!但與卡卡頌1.0美術設計相異,拼放時版塊上的路線接點可能無法十分契合,若介意者不建議混用,部分僅增加規則或獨立地形板塊的擴充,則對遊戲進行影響不大。(例如:卡卡頌迷宮擴充、德國大教堂擴充) 遊戲教學:
- HK$ 559
HK$ 688- HK$ 559
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Save $ 129 -
No. of Player:2 - 4Age:10+Playing Time:45 - 60 mins Version:Traditional Chinese(繁體中文) 在石器時代初期的史前部落中,人類過著定居生活之前,每天都充滿挑戰。荒野中危險無處不在,尋找食物異常艱辛,只有和部落中的族人攜手合作,才有可能戰勝大自然的威脅,延續部落的生命,並與子孫分享英勇的傳奇故事。在史前部落中,玩家各自帶領一群族人,並共同商討由誰去哪裡進行探索,但你們並不確知在那裡等待你們的會是什麼樣的挑戰?選擇總是存在,在出發前盡可能多獲取信息,並準備適當的工具,提升族人的技能,在面對任務時,玩家們彼此協助,必須以最有效率的方式來完成各項任務,否則,食物短缺恐怕會是部落存續最大的威脅!遊戲中包含10個不同的模組,分屬7個難度等級,大部分的遊戲只會用到其中2個模組,玩家們可以依難度等級循序漸進地進行遊戲。所有的模組都可以組合在一起使用,也可以獨立進行每個難度等級的遊戲,因此,在史前部落中總能發現新的事物。史前部落—探索石器時代的精彩冒險 《石器時代2.0史前部落 新的開始擴充》包括一組新的基本牌、一組更具韌性的族人牌以及 6 個新模組,你可以像往常一樣自由地與所有其他模組搭配使用,經歷無數高潮迭起的冒險 《烏鴉盒子史前部落木製收納盒》收納 《石器時代2.0史前部落》Paleo 以及《新的開始》擴充、《成年禮》擴充、《恐怖鳥》擴充的所有遊戲配件。包含兩個卡牌收納盒,空間支援到90 microns厚度的牌套,並附有多片刻字隔板來分類卡牌。三個工具板塊收納盒及三個標記物收納盒,能快速完成遊戲設置及清理。遊戲中的立體配件(工作臺、墳墓、小屋) 在收納時可以不必拆除。收納盒組裝免用膠水,支援豎放遊戲盒。
- HK$ 899
HK$ 1,063- HK$ 899
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Save $ 164 -
No. of Player:3 - 6Age:10+Playing Time:20 mins Version:English Round up your gang and get ready to pull off a series of bank heists using the power of poker! In The Gang, a co-operative version of Texas Hold'em, players bet on how good they think their hand...
- HK$ 169
HK$ 179- HK$ 169
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Save $ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 6 Age:8+ Playing Time:20 mins Version: Traditional Chinese In Costume Party Assassins , you have been invited to a costume party. Because of the elaborate costumes, you do not know anyone's identity except your own. Roam the party, mingle, have...
- HK$ 275
HK$ 289- HK$ 275
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Save $ 14 -
No. of Player:1 - 6Age:10+ Playing Time:60 mins Version:繁體中文 ( TC ) 經典解謎遊戲──《大搜查!》是個靈感源自於密室逃脫的卡牌遊戲。在簡單的遊戲系統下,在遊戲卡牌與紙筆間互動,你需要搜索場景、組合關鍵物品來解開謎題,也需要破解機關、解開密碼來過關。遊戲配合專屬的免費手機應用程式APP,能夠幫你監控剩餘時間、檢查密碼是否正確或給予提示。放心,Android和iOS系統都找的到!在《大搜查!超自然冒險》中有三個完全不同場景的密室逃脫劇本,可以自由挑選難度與主題,與朋友在桌上來一場令你難忘的冒險! 1.「亡靈節」 今天是亡靈節。每年這個時候,亡靈與生者的世界將產生連結。這一天,兩個世界之間的大門將打開,讓逝去的人們與自己的親人重聚。你是安娜,三個孩子中的老大。你正在樓上的臥室裡為此次慶祝活動做著準備,之後要去找祖母,她正在客廳等你們。 2.「新星市危機」 新星市危機四伏。最近這裡的犯罪率直線上升,導致我們的英雄們十分忙碌。這些犯罪活動的激增到底是巧合,還是這背後隱藏著針對新星市的更大的陰謀?必須快點查出真相! 3.「諸神黃昏」 你叫利布,是一名驕傲的維京戰士。你帶著武器離開了你的北方村莊,揚帆起航去發現新的土地,這將為你帶來榮耀。在海上航行幾天後,你被一片濃霧籠罩。 Unlock! is a cooperative card game inspired by escape rooms that uses a simple system which allows you to search scenes, combine objects, and solve riddles. Play Unlock! to embark on great...
- HK$ 369
HK$ 389- HK$ 369
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Save $ 20 -
No. of Player:2 - 4 Age:10+ Playing Time:45 mins Version: Traditional Chinese Monkey Palace is a jungle-themed game of light strategy that incorporates both collaborative and competitive elements. Players must strategically work together to construct the Monkey Palace while competing for the brick highest income...
- HK$ 385
HK$ 405- HK$ 385
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No. of Player:2 - 4 Age:8+ Playing time: 30-45 minutes Version:English It is expected to arrive in early November. Azul Summer Pavilion Mini is ready to take on the road, go to the park, stop for a coffee, or even get on a plane!...
- HK$ 199
HK$ 209- HK$ 199
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Save $ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 4 Age:8+ Playing time: 30-45 minutes Version:English It is expected to arrive in early November. Azul Mini Board Game brings the tile-placement excitement of the classic Azul to a portable format. With more than 2 million copies sold, Azul has...
- HK$ 199
HK$ 209- HK$ 199
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No. of Player:2 - 14Age:8+ Playing Time:5 - 15Version:Traditional Chinese(繁體中文) Ito Rainbow is a cooperative game where you and your friends will each get a secret number that you have to try and play in order as a group based on the clues you give related to...
- HK$ 189
HK$ 199- HK$ 189
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No. of Player:2 - 4 Age:8+ Playing Time:30 mins Version: Chinese ( Traditional Chinese ) Splendor is a fast-paced and addictive game of chip-collecting and card development. Players are merchants of the Renaissance trying to buy gem mines, means of transportation, shops; all in order to...
- HK$ 379
HK$ 399- HK$ 379
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No. of Player:2 - 10Age:7+ Playing Time:30 mins Version:English The classic board game is a battle of wit and words combined for 2 to 4 players. The more complex the word the better the score!
- HK$ 189
HK$ 199- HK$ 189
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No. of Player:1 - 4Age:12+Playing Time:30 - 120 mins Version:Chinese ( 中文 ) Updated and streamlined for a new generation of players, Agricola, the award-winning and highly acclaimed game by Uwe Rosenberg, features a revised rulebook and gameplay, along with wood pieces and components for...
- HK$ 419
HK$ 439- HK$ 419
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No. of Player:2Age:12+ Playing Time:15 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 2024 - Best Cooperative Board Game - Origins Awards2024 - Best 2023 Insider Game - Les Lys (Québec)2024 - Best 2-Player & Innovation Gameplay - Big Awards 20242024 - Best 2-Player & Cooperative Game - Golden Geek Awards...
- HK$ 255
HK$ 269- HK$ 255
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Save $ 14 -
No. of Player:2 - 6Age:7+ Playing Time:35 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) Carcassonne basic game including 11 expansions!The game of the year from 2001 and 11 expansions are combined in this new Carcassonne BigBox - the perfect starter set for Carcassonne fans and anyone who wants to get to...
- HK$ 699
HK$ 739- HK$ 699
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Save $ 40 -
No. of Player:2 - 6Age:7+ Playing Time:15 - 30 mins Version:English UNO Show 'Em No Mercy is a brutal, ruthless version of the classic UNO card game. In addition to standard action cards like Skip, Reverse, and Draw 2, No Mercy comes with Wild Draw 6, Wild...
- HK$ 109
HK$ 129- HK$ 109
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No. of Player:2 - 6Age:8+ Playing Time:15 mins Version:English In the fast-paced matching game Anarchy Pancakes, each player starts with seven pancake cards that feature various misfit toppings, such as an earthworm, a flaming donut, and a skull wearing a party hat. On the count of three,...
- HK$ 149
HK$ 159- HK$ 149
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No. of Player:3 - 5Age:10+Playing Time:30 - 50 mins Version:Chinese (繁體中文) You've studied the footage, connected the dots, and gathered what meager evidence you could. You're close — soon the whole world will know the truth behind the Cryptid. A group of like-minded cryptozoologists...
- HK$ 329
HK$ 339- HK$ 329
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No. of Player:2 - 4 Age:8+ Playing time: 30-45 minutes Version:English Tiny Turbo Cars is a frantic race game for 2 to 4 players in which you program the movements of your tiny toy car in advance, with a sliding puzzle acting as your remote...
- HK$ 249
HK$ 269- HK$ 249
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No. of Player:1 - 5 Age:10+ Playing Time:60 mins Version:English The stakes have been raised. Imagine living in a place so wretched that it's not plagued by one, two, or even three monsters — but seven of the most horrifying fiends! In this game,...
- HK$ 369
HK$ 389- HK$ 369
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Save $ 20