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No. of Player:2 - 4Age:10+Playing Time:45 - 60 mins Version:Traditional Chinese(繁體中文) 在石器時代初期的史前部落中,人類過著定居生活之前,每天都充滿挑戰。荒野中危險無處不在,尋找食物異常艱辛,只有和部落中的族人攜手合作,才有可能戰勝大自然的威脅,延續部落的生命,並與子孫分享英勇的傳奇故事。在史前部落中,玩家各自帶領一群族人,並共同商討由誰去哪裡進行探索,但你們並不確知在那裡等待你們的會是什麼樣的挑戰?選擇總是存在,在出發前盡可能多獲取信息,並準備適當的工具,提升族人的技能,在面對任務時,玩家們彼此協助,必須以最有效率的方式來完成各項任務,否則,食物短缺恐怕會是部落存續最大的威脅!遊戲中包含10個不同的模組,分屬7個難度等級,大部分的遊戲只會用到其中2個模組,玩家們可以依難度等級循序漸進地進行遊戲。所有的模組都可以組合在一起使用,也可以獨立進行每個難度等級的遊戲,因此,在史前部落中總能發現新的事物。史前部落—探索石器時代的精彩冒險 《石器時代2.0史前部落 新的開始擴充》包括一組新的基本牌、一組更具韌性的族人牌以及 6 個新模組,你可以像往常一樣自由地與所有其他模組搭配使用,經歷無數高潮迭起的冒險 《烏鴉盒子史前部落木製收納盒》收納 《石器時代2.0史前部落》Paleo 以及《新的開始》擴充、《成年禮》擴充、《恐怖鳥》擴充的所有遊戲配件。包含兩個卡牌收納盒,空間支援到90 microns厚度的牌套,並附有多片刻字隔板來分類卡牌。三個工具板塊收納盒及三個標記物收納盒,能快速完成遊戲設置及清理。遊戲中的立體配件(工作臺、墳墓、小屋) 在收納時可以不必拆除。收納盒組裝免用膠水,支援豎放遊戲盒。
- HK$ 899
HK$ 1,063- HK$ 899
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Save $ 164 -
No. of Player:2-4Age:8+ Playing Time:45 mins Version:Chinese (簡體中文) 注意此遊戲說明書是簡體中文 在古老的東亞大陸上,經歷長期的紛爭之後,中日關係終於趨於好轉。為慶賀雙方的友好關係,中國皇帝送給日本天皇一隻神聖的動物作為禮物:大貓熊──象徵和平的使者。日本天皇將照料大貓熊的任務交給他的宮廷侍者(各位玩家),並特別建造了皇家御竹園來照料這隻大貓熊。但貪吃的大貓熊使這項任務變得十分艱巨⋯⋯誰能有效利用土地並栽培出最優良的竹子,以及將這隻頑皮的貓熊餵養得肥肥胖胖,該玩家便是天皇最稱職僕臣。 御竹園:熊孩子 御竹園:熊孩子擴充需要更多的耐心與溫柔!你對皇家貓熊的細心照料,讓天皇相當滿意。天皇決定好好地犒賞你,讓你再次肩負重任:照料另一隻貓熊!你必須加倍努力來呵護這對貓熊⋯⋯以及他們的貓熊寶寶們!這位新客人帶來新的行動和任務,貓熊媽媽不像貓熊爸爸這麼貪吃,而且可能會產下可愛的貓熊寶寶!新的土地板塊讓園丁充滿了靈感,為這毛茸茸的一家人打造幸福的新樂園。本擴充必須搭配基本版方能使用。 A long time ago at the Japanese Imperial court, the Chinese Emperor offered a giant panda bear as a symbol of peace to the Japanese Emperor. Since then, the Japanese Emperor has entrusted his court...
- HK$ 469
HK$ 588- HK$ 469
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Save $ 119 -
No. of Player:3 - 6Age:10+Playing Time:20 mins Version:English Round up your gang and get ready to pull off a series of bank heists using the power of poker! In The Gang, a co-operative version of Texas Hold'em, players bet on how good they think their hand...
- HK$ 169
HK$ 179- HK$ 169
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Save $ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 6 Age:8+ Playing Time:20 mins Version: Traditional Chinese In Costume Party Assassins , you have been invited to a costume party. Because of the elaborate costumes, you do not know anyone's identity except your own. Roam the party, mingle, have...
- HK$ 275
HK$ 289- HK$ 275
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Save $ 14 -
No. of Player:1 - 6Age:10+ Playing Time:60 mins Version:繁體中文 ( TC ) 經典解謎遊戲──《大搜查!》是個靈感源自於密室逃脫的卡牌遊戲。在簡單的遊戲系統下,在遊戲卡牌與紙筆間互動,你需要搜索場景、組合關鍵物品來解開謎題,也需要破解機關、解開密碼來過關。遊戲配合專屬的免費手機應用程式APP,能夠幫你監控剩餘時間、檢查密碼是否正確或給予提示。放心,Android和iOS系統都找的到!在《大搜查!超自然冒險》中有三個完全不同場景的密室逃脫劇本,可以自由挑選難度與主題,與朋友在桌上來一場令你難忘的冒險! 1.「亡靈節」 今天是亡靈節。每年這個時候,亡靈與生者的世界將產生連結。這一天,兩個世界之間的大門將打開,讓逝去的人們與自己的親人重聚。你是安娜,三個孩子中的老大。你正在樓上的臥室裡為此次慶祝活動做著準備,之後要去找祖母,她正在客廳等你們。 2.「新星市危機」 新星市危機四伏。最近這裡的犯罪率直線上升,導致我們的英雄們十分忙碌。這些犯罪活動的激增到底是巧合,還是這背後隱藏著針對新星市的更大的陰謀?必須快點查出真相! 3.「諸神黃昏」 你叫利布,是一名驕傲的維京戰士。你帶著武器離開了你的北方村莊,揚帆起航去發現新的土地,這將為你帶來榮耀。在海上航行幾天後,你被一片濃霧籠罩。 Unlock! is a cooperative card game inspired by escape rooms that uses a simple system which allows you to search scenes, combine objects, and solve riddles. Play Unlock! to embark on great...
- HK$ 369
HK$ 389- HK$ 369
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Save $ 20 -
No. of Player:2 - 4 Age:10+ Playing Time:45 mins Version: Traditional Chinese Monkey Palace is a jungle-themed game of light strategy that incorporates both collaborative and competitive elements. Players must strategically work together to construct the Monkey Palace while competing for the brick highest income...
- HK$ 345
HK$ 405- HK$ 345
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Save $ 60 -
No. of Player:2 - 4 Age:8+ Playing time: 30-45 minutes Version:English It is expected to arrive in early November. Azul Summer Pavilion Mini is ready to take on the road, go to the park, stop for a coffee, or even get on a plane!...
- HK$ 199
HK$ 209- HK$ 199
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Save $ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 4 Age:8+ Playing time: 30-45 minutes Version:English It is expected to arrive in early November. Azul Mini Board Game brings the tile-placement excitement of the classic Azul to a portable format. With more than 2 million copies sold, Azul has...
- HK$ 199
HK$ 209- HK$ 199
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No. of Player:2 - 14Age:8+ Playing Time:5 - 15Version:Traditional Chinese(繁體中文) Ito Rainbow is a cooperative game where you and your friends will each get a secret number that you have to try and play in order as a group based on the clues you give related to...
- HK$ 189
HK$ 199- HK$ 189
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No. of Player:1 - 4Age:10+Playing Time:30 - 45 mins Version:English All the tactics lie in nature, it's up to you to reveal yours! In this new board game designed by Johan Benvenuto and illustrated by Maëva Da Silva, combine reflection, strategy, and creativity with involvement...
- HK$ 379
HK$ 399- HK$ 379
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Save $ 20 -
No. of Player:2 - 4 Age:8+ Playing Time:30 mins Version: Chinese ( Traditional Chinese ) Splendor is a fast-paced and addictive game of chip-collecting and card development. Players are merchants of the Renaissance trying to buy gem mines, means of transportation, shops; all in order to...
- HK$ 379
HK$ 399- HK$ 379
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No. of Player:2 - 10Age:7+ Playing Time:30 mins Version:English The classic board game is a battle of wit and words combined for 2 to 4 players. The more complex the word the better the score!
- HK$ 189
HK$ 199- HK$ 189
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No. of Player:1 - 4Age:12+Playing Time:30 - 120 mins Version:Chinese ( 中文 ) Updated and streamlined for a new generation of players, Agricola, the award-winning and highly acclaimed game by Uwe Rosenberg, features a revised rulebook and gameplay, along with wood pieces and components for...
- HK$ 419
HK$ 439- HK$ 419
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No. of Player:2Age:12+ Playing Time:15 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 2024 - Best Cooperative Board Game - Origins Awards2024 - Best 2023 Insider Game - Les Lys (Québec)2024 - Best 2-Player & Innovation Gameplay - Big Awards 20242024 - Best 2-Player & Cooperative Game - Golden Geek Awards...
- HK$ 255
HK$ 269- HK$ 255
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Save $ 14 -
No. of Player:2 - 6Age:7+ Playing Time:35 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) Carcassonne basic game including 11 expansions!The game of the year from 2001 and 11 expansions are combined in this new Carcassonne BigBox - the perfect starter set for Carcassonne fans and anyone who wants to get to...
- HK$ 699
HK$ 739- HK$ 699
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Save $ 40 -
No. of Player:2 - 6Age:7+ Playing Time:15 - 30 mins Version:English UNO Show 'Em No Mercy is a brutal, ruthless version of the classic UNO card game. In addition to standard action cards like Skip, Reverse, and Draw 2, No Mercy comes with Wild Draw 6, Wild...
- HK$ 109
HK$ 129- HK$ 109
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No. of Player:2 - 6Age:8+ Playing Time:15 mins Version:English In the fast-paced matching game Anarchy Pancakes, each player starts with seven pancake cards that feature various misfit toppings, such as an earthworm, a flaming donut, and a skull wearing a party hat. On the count of three,...
- HK$ 149
HK$ 159- HK$ 149
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No. of Player:3 - 5Age:10+Playing Time:30 - 50 mins Version:Chinese (繁體中文) You've studied the footage, connected the dots, and gathered what meager evidence you could. You're close — soon the whole world will know the truth behind the Cryptid. A group of like-minded cryptozoologists...
- HK$ 329
HK$ 339- HK$ 329
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Save $ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 4 Age:8+ Playing time: 30-45 minutes Version:English Tiny Turbo Cars is a frantic race game for 2 to 4 players in which you program the movements of your tiny toy car in advance, with a sliding puzzle acting as your remote...
- HK$ 249
HK$ 269- HK$ 249
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No. of Player:1 - 5 Age:10+ Playing Time:60 mins Version:English The stakes have been raised. Imagine living in a place so wretched that it's not plagued by one, two, or even three monsters — but seven of the most horrifying fiends! In this game,...
- HK$ 369
HK$ 389- HK$ 369
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Save $ 20