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No. of Player:1 - 4Age:10+Playing Time:30 - 45 mins Version:English所有策略都存在於大自然之中,現在就讓你的策略浮現吧! 這款由Johan Benvenuto設計、Maëva Da Silva插畫的全新桌遊,融合了思考、策略和創意,讓你投入其中,盡情創造最美麗的景致以歡迎動物們。 《自然和弦》吸引人的關鍵在於它的機制: 3D地形創造、指示物擺放和排列。每一個決策都會影響到你創造的生態系統,為玩家帶來深度和令人滿足的遊戲體驗。遊戲還包括單人模式,讓大自然的精靈融入到動物卡片之中。 All the tactics lie in nature, it's up to you to reveal yours! In this new board game designed by Johan Benvenuto and illustrated by Maëva Da Silva, combine...
- HK$ 379
HK$ 399- HK$ 379
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Save $ 20 -
No. of Player:2Age:12+ Playing Time:15 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 預計10月中旬到貨。 和你信賴的機組成員一起駕駛客機,齊心協力,將你們的飛機降落到世界各地!在這款合作遊戲中,你將扮演駕駛員團隊,負責將商用客機降落到世界各地的機場。但降落飛機並不是你想像中的那麼容易!你需要與塔台溝通,確保你的進場路徑沒有空中阻塞,調整速度以免飛過機場,讓飛機平穩降落在跑道上,啟動襟翼以增加升力並使其平穩下降,放下起落架以確保安全著陸,最後啟動煞車裝置以減慢飛機速度。通力合作與沉著冷靜是一切成功的關鍵! 榮獲獎項與提名 2024 - 德國年度桌上遊戲大獎 年度最佳遊戲2024 - Best Cooperative Board Game - Origins Awards2024 - Best 2023 Insider Game - Les Lys (Québec)2024 - Best 2-Player & Innovation Gameplay - Big Awards 20242024 - Best 2-Player &...
- HK$ 255
HK$ 269- HK$ 255
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Save $ 14 -
No. of Player:1 - 4 Age:14+ Playing Time:60 mins Version: Chinese ( traditional Chinese ) Bones of the End is a dice-based RPG for single player or co-op, taking you into a groundbreaking adventure filled with enemies, treasures, and difficult encounters! There is no need for...
- HK$ 1,509
HK$ 1,589- HK$ 1,509
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Save $ 80 -
No. of Player:1 - 4Age:13+Playing Time:60 - 180 mins Version:繁體中文模型方案: 御魂使主遊戲 連 全部擴充包括: 主遊戲連立牌及模型、禁忌的篇章擴充、凱蒂的日誌擴充及「梟雄」擴充及升級壓克力數據晶片。 御魂使主遊戲 連 「梟雄」擴充包括: 主遊戲連立牌及模型及「梟雄」擴充。 西元5869年 故事舞台在遙遠未來的日本 這是個人類永生不死,自由轉移意識到其他身體的時代。 從某次意外長眠而甦醒的你,發現到這世界已不如往常.... 城市一片死寂,唯有霓虹燈、刺骨寒風以及斷壁殘垣。周遭毫無生機,同末日般的景象。 歡迎來到《御魂使》的世界,致命的AI正在殲滅最後的人類倖存者們。 在冒險旅途中,你可以上傳意識到其他的義體,以應對各種棘手戰況。例如:面對敵軍排山倒海的攻勢,選用「武士」義體來降低受到的傷害;遇上層層加密的系統,選用「駭客」義體來加速破解的流程。 在這個充滿先進科技的賽博龐克時代,網路、軟體與機器人充斥周遭。玩家可以利用自身的數據系統,編排出可駭用的程式碼,以取得各種在這險惡環境存活的優勢。 《御魂使》這款遊戲採用非線性故事系統。玩家在戰役中,面對不同的行動路線抉擇,進而導致故事發展的變化,進入不同結局。 在遊戲剛開盒時,許多配件屬於鎖定內容,一旦玩家通關指定的結局,或達成戰役中重要的成就,才能解鎖這些內容。 相反地,若不幸地在某些戰役中落敗,導致敵方勢力取得關鍵性地成長,當玩家遊玩其他戰役時,也持續受到負面影響。玩家的一舉移動將影響著整個世界。 基本遊戲包含約40~65小時的合作戰役內容,玩家將攜手解決眼前難題,引領人類倖存者對抗AI殘忍的統治。就算是同一場戰役,也因地圖設置、敵機、職業的不同,而發展出不同的遊戲體驗。此外玩家也能在對戰模式奪取分數,比較誰對於編程、行動規劃的能力更加得心應手。 Tamashii is a cyberpunk adventure board game with a post-apocalyptic vibe. Players will struggle to survive...
- From HK$ 1,320
HK$ 1,459- From HK$ 1,320
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Save $ 139 -
No. of Player:1 - 4Age:13+Playing Time:60 - 180 mins Version:繁體中文 由於數據晶片會非常密集地被玩家拿取、放置、滑動。因此磨損的機會遠比其他遊戲的指示物還要來得高。因此推出能替換紙板配件的周邊產品。若對於這項周邊感興趣,歡迎在選購遊戲方案的時候一同加購。 遊戲介紹
- HK$ 300
HK$ 329- HK$ 300
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Save $ 29 -
No. of Player:1 - 4Age:14+ Playing Time:45 - 90 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 朱比萊辛.李在青少年時期失去雙親,之後便窩居在她最喜歡的購物中心內獨力生活。在她能發出爆炸性能量的變種異能開始顯現後,她在X戰警的行列中找到了新家。現在的她是代號「歡歡」的超級英雄,盡情綻放著自己的力量! 必須配合《漫威傳奇再起:卡牌遊戲》核心包進行遊玩 Orphaned as a teenager, Jubilation Lee survived on her own by taking up residence in her favorite shopping mall. After her mutant power to generate explosive energy manifested, she found a new...
- HK$ 159
HK$ 169- HK$ 159
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Save $ 10 -
No. of Player:1 - 4Age:14+ Playing Time:60 - 120 mins Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 ) 嚴冬時節,阿卡姆的社會精英們來到被薄霧籠罩的金斯波特,參加由神秘的提燈俱樂部舉辦的一場精緻的盛會。不幸的是,可怕的生物很快就闖入了慶典,而你要揭開俱樂部的陰謀,防止阿卡姆最有權勢的領袖們遭受可怕的命運! 《冬至魔宴》是《詭鎮奇談:卡牌版》的一場新冒險。在這場冒險中,1到4位調查員將與他們選擇的派系聯手,共同努力取得提燈俱樂部的強大邪惡遺物,同時也是整場陰謀的核心。你可以獨立遊玩本冒險,或加入任何劇本作為支線劇情。 線上勘誤請點我 It’s a party to die for! It’s the dead of winter, and Arkham’s social elite have arrived in mist-shrouded Kingsport for an exquisite gala hosted by the enigmatic Lantern Club....
- HK$ 219
HK$ 229- HK$ 219
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Save $ 10 -
No. of Player:1 - 4Age:14+ Playing Time:60 - 120 mins Version:English 此貨品包含Dune: Imperium主遊戲及Immortality擴充。 Dune: Imperium is a game that uses deck-building to add a hidden-information angle to traditional worker placement. It finds inspiration in elements and characters from the Dune legacy, both the new film from Legendary Pictures and...
- HK$ 699
HK$ 739- HK$ 699
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Save $ 40 -
No. of Player:2 - 6Age:7+ Playing Time:10 mins Version:English Mantis has only two rules: Steal or Score your way to victory. Collect matching cards by stealing or scoring until the winner has 10 cards in their score pile. With the simplicity of UNO and depth of Gin Rummy, Mantis...
- HK$ 189
HK$ 199- HK$ 189
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Save $ 10 -
No. of Player:2 - 6Age:7+ Playing Time:15 - 30 mins Version:English UNO Show 'em No Mercy 是我們迄今為止最殘酷的 UNO 遊戲! 它有更多的牌,處罰更嚴厲(有人抽 10 張牌嗎?),還有新的規則,玩家可以比以往堆疊、交換和抽更多的牌!如果你手上多於25張牌,便會即時淘汰。版本加入+6,+10以及「跳過所有人」等新功能牌。 如果事情變得太艱難,甚至還有憐憫規則。在這款經典遊戲的無情版本中,有兩種獲勝方式:1️.擺脫所有牌2️.將所有其他玩家淘汰出遊戲! 哦 - 如果你設法只剩下一張牌,別忘了大喊“UNO!” 產品特色 加入+6,+10以及「跳過所有人」等新功能牌 版本有168張卡 (普通UNO版本為112張卡片) UNO Show 'Em No Mercy is a brutal, ruthless version of the classic UNO card game. In...
- HK$ 109
HK$ 129- HK$ 109
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Save $ 20 -
No. of Player:2 - 8Age:10+ Playing Time:15 mins Version:English To play That Escalated Quickly, read out a simple question (ex. I’m locked in a tiny room. What else is locked in here with me from cutest to scariest). Then everyone is assigned a secret number from one...
- HK$ 189
HK$ 199- HK$ 189
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Save $ 10 -
No. of Player:1 - 5Age:14+Playing Time:150 mins Version:簡體中文 魔法騎士:終極豪華版包含了基本遊戲及擴充:<失落軍團>、<英雄朗格>、<特茲拉之影>;全面完整的規則說明、五張新牌,及交替彩繪的小模型。 魔法騎士結合角色扮演、牌庫構築,及傳統桌遊的元素,魔法騎士桌遊讓你控制四位強大魔法騎士之一,讓你探索並征服在亞特蘭提斯帝國控制下的魔法騎士宇宙一隅。 打造你的軍隊,以強大的咒語和行動充實你的牌庫,探索洞穴和地城,最終征服被一度偉大的集團所控制的強大城市! 在競爭劇本中,敵對玩家能組成強大聯盟,但只有一位能將領土據為己有。在合作劇本中,玩家則同進退;此外還有個人遊戲規則。 Combining elements of RPGs, deck-building, and traditional board games, the Mage Knight Board Game puts you in control of one of seven powerful Mage Knights as you explore (and conquer) a corner of...
- HK$ 999
HK$ 1,059- HK$ 999
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Save $ 60 -
This is a customized item. Order cut-off for customized products is on the 5th, 15th and 25th of every month, and will arrive in Hong Kong within about 2 weeks, so please pay attention. If you have any questions, please contact us . The...
- HK$ 178
HK$ 188- HK$ 178
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No. of Player:1 - 4 Age:14+ Playing Time:90-120 mins Version: Traditional Chinese The expected arrival date is late June. Human civilization was completely destroyed due to a "catastrophe", and the ground was frozen for thousands of years. Now the major tribes composed of survivors...
- HK$ 675
HK$ 709- HK$ 675
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Save $ 34 -
No. of Player:1 - 4 Age:14+ Playing Time:90-120 mins Version: Traditional Chinese The expected arrival date is late June. Human civilization was completely destroyed due to a "catastrophe", and the ground was frozen for thousands of years. Now the major tribes composed of survivors...
- HK$ 305
HK$ 319- HK$ 305
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Save $ 14 -
No. of Player:1 - 4 Age:14+ Playing Time:90-120 mins Version: Traditional Chinese The expected arrival date is late June. Dice to Mars is a card-driven dice game where players use special dice to develop their own companies and turn Mars into a new home...
- HK$ 429
HK$ 449- HK$ 429
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No. of Player:2 - 5 Age:14+ Playing Time:60-120 mins Version: Traditional Chinese This complete set includes the The Stifling Dark base game, Nightfall expansion, and mini-expansion. The Stifling Dark is a one-vs-many hidden-movement horror board game with an innovative line-of-sight mechanic for 2-5 players....
- From HK$ 89
HK$ 99- From HK$ 89
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No. of Player:1 - 4 Age:12+ Playing Time:30-150 mins Version: Traditional Chinese This includes Slay the Spire: The Tabletop Game standard moderator game and crowdfunding unlocks. Slay the Spire: The Board Game is a RougueLike-type game. This type of game has the characteristics of...
- HK$ 1,069
HK$ 1,199- HK$ 1,069
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Save $ 130 -
No. of Player:2 - 6 Age:12+ Playing Time:90 mins Version: Traditional Chinese Special Chinese peripherals: The content is a square drawing bag, the largest hotel scale counter, and special large banknotes . Collection suitcase: The basic game and the above-mentioned peripherals can be stored...
- From HK$ 435
HK$ 459- From HK$ 435
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Save $ 24 -
No. of Player:1 - 4 Age:14+ Playing Time:45-90 mins Version: Chinese ( traditional Chinese ) As a founding member of the X-Men and the team's master prankster, Bobby. Drake discovered his mutant powers as a teenager, allowing him to generate cold air and manipulate ice. In...
- HK$ 155
HK$ 165- HK$ 155
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Save $ 10