七大奇蹟 (新版):領䄂擴展 7 Wonders: Leaders

$ 285.00 $ 299.00
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No. of Player:2 - 7
Playing Time:40  mins 
Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 )  

本商品為「七大奇蹟新版」,與「七大奇蹟」系列、「七大奇蹟:對決」系列不相容! 在你的城邦中心,傑出的人們激勵著你的人民,帶領你的文明進入黃金時代。謹慎地留住他們,即會獲得巨大的回報。忽視他們,則他們很有可能加入你的競爭對手!

Play with the personalities of Antiquity
At the heart of your city, exceptional men and women inspire your people and lead your civilization to its apogee. Choose them with care and they will contribute to your greatness. Neglect them and they will end up at the head of rival cities! In addition to two new Wonders, this expansion offers you a new type of card: Leader cards. Queens, astronomers, philosophers, and generals will all bring extra strategic dimensions to your games.
This 7 Wonders expansion offers you the ability to place renowned personalities at the head of your civilization: Leaders.

Represented by 55 new cards, they will influence, each in their own way, the development of your City.

The Leaders expansion adds new rules to those of the 7 Wonders base game, but the victory conditions remain the same.

You’ll start your games with a choice of Leaders who, each in their own way, will influence your city for the rest of the game.

7 Wonders Leaders is an independent expansion but which is compatible with the other expansions for 7 Wonders.