大格鬥 Blokus

$ 285.00 $ 299.00
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MonsterGeek 現購買任何桌上遊戲本地運費一律港幣$25送到指定自取點。買滿港幣$800更有免運費優惠!


No. of Player:2 - 4
Playing Time:20 mins 

「大格鬥(Blokus Game)」遊戲中保衛你的個人利益及領土!這個遊戲只需少於一分鐘的時間去學習,但提供無限策略和為全家人帶來有趣的挑戰。每位參加者會獲得1份共21塊的方塊,有紅色、藍色、綠色或黃色,然後他們會輪流把它們拼到板子上。遊戲只有一項規矩:你擺放的方塊必須與先前已放置方塊的角相碰觸且須為相同顏色,看看誰能於板子上擺放最多的方塊。當沒有任何方塊可嵌入板上時,遊戲便會結束,手上剩下最少方塊的參加者便會勝出遊戲!

Blokus (officially pronounced "Block us") is an abstract strategy game with transparent, Tetris-shaped, colored pieces that players are trying to play onto the board. The only caveat to placing a piece is that it may not lie adjacent to your other pieces, but instead must be placed touching at least one corner of your pieces already on the board.

There is a solitaire variation where one player tries to get rid of all the pieces in a single sitting.