洞穴農夫 Caverna: The Cave Farmers

$ 659.00 $ 699.00
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No. of Player:1 - 7
Playing Time:30 - 210 mins 
Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 )  

在挖掘山脈的途中,你有可能會經由水源而因此發現紅寶石礦 ,讓你的財富增加。在你山洞的正前方的大片森林蘊藏生機,透過刀耕火種將其闢為良田,辛勤耕作來增加糧食,圍起圈地來飼養家畜,而遊戲結束時,最能善用家園的矮人將獲得勝利。

Caverna: The Cave Farmers, which has a playing time of roughly 30 minutes per player, is a complete redesign of Agricola that substitutes the card decks from the former game with a set of buildings while adding the ability to purchase weapons and send your farmers on quests to gain further resources. Designer Uwe Rosenberg says that the game includes parts of Agricola, but also has new ideas, especially the cave part of your game board, where you can build mines and search for rubies. The game also includes two new animals: dogs and donkeys.