妙探尋兇 Cluedo

$ 149.00 $ 159.00
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No. of Player:2 - 6
Playing Time:40 mins 
Version:Chinese (䌓體中文)+ English

一場謀殺... 6名嫌犯。 在這個推理懸疑遊戲中,玩家們必須找出誰是謀殺案的真兇。成功找出兇手、兇器、兇案現場的玩家獲勝。

 Cluedo is a murder mystery game. The aim is to find out who committed the murder, which weapon they used, and where in the mansion they did it. How do you solve the case? By careful questioning of your fellow players you can deduce which information is concealed in the crime envelope. The trick is to be clever with your questioning... Everyone develops their own system!