瘋狂詭宅:長蛇之路 Mansion of Madness: Path Of The Serpent

$ 609.00 $ 639.00
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No. of Player:1 - 5
Playing Time:120 - 180 mins 
Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 

歡迎來到叢林…… 叢林裡林木茂盛,綠草瑩瑩,呈現出一派原始的美景,卻也暗藏著種種危機。不管是多勇敢的探險家,都會在無情酷暑,有限的補給品,長著尖牙的野獸面對敗退,重回文明社會的舒適懷抱。如果有人在這些尋常險境中倖存下來,他得到的獎勵只會是更多的挑戰:被迫咒語的偶像,危機四伏的神廟,還有久被遺忘的,等待著勇者來發現自己的神明。


Now in Mansions of Madness, you take on the role of Arkham’s bravest investigators who must step into the unexplored wilderness of the Amazon jungle and explore crumbling ruins, discover the secrets of lost civilizations, and stop a serpent’s curse before the world descends into chaos. In three new scenarios, you will battle horrifying serpent creatures, face stone monstrosities that come to life, and beat the ever-present danger of being lost to the jungle forever.

Four new characters, four new monsters.

The scenarios:
In The Jungle Awakens - a lavish Arkham garden party shows off the host's recent acquisitions from a South American expedition.

Into the Dark - your team of investigators have been hired to assist a South American expedition.

Lost Temple of Yig - takes your investigators to ancient stone halls where serpentine priests attempt to reforge their broken bonds with their god, Yig.