漫威傳奇再起:美國隊長英雄包 Marvel Champions: Captain America Hero Pack (04)

$ 149.00 $ 155.00
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MonsterGeek 現購買任何桌上遊戲本地運費一律港幣$25送到指定自取點。買滿港幣$800更有免運費優惠!


No. of Player:1 - 4
Playing Time:45 - 90 mins 
Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 

此英雄包收錄了所有遊玩 美國隊長所需的內容,包含一副預組牌庫。初次以美國隊長進行遊戲時,請取出置於分隔卡前的所有卡牌,並按照《新手指南》中的遊戲設置說明進行操作。在分隔卡的背面有一個完整的牌庫清單供您參考。在構築自創的玩家牌庫時,可以使用置於分隔卡後所剩的卡牌。牌庫構築的規則可以在《規則詳解》的附錄中找到。

Like all Hero Packs, the Captain America Hero Pack includes a fully-playable deck right out of the box that includes 15 Hero cards, 17 cards from the Leadership aspect, and 8 neutral cards. This deck brings Captain America to the forefront of the action with his trusty shield, as he buffs the heroes around him while calling on new Avengers to join the fight!