復仇女神號:全面封鎖大全套 Nemesis: Lockdown with KS Stretch Goals Bundle

$ 2,999.00 $ 3,438.00
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MonsterGeek 現購買任何桌上遊戲本地運費一律港幣$25送到指定自取點。買滿港幣$800更有免運費優惠!


No. of Player:1 - 5
Playing Time:180 mins 
Version:Traditional Chinese(繁體中文)


復仇女神號:全面封鎖》是備受歡迎的桌面遊戲《復仇女神號》的續作及獨立遊戲。這個適合1~5名玩家的太空生存驚悚體驗,將使你面臨既定的、沉浸式的規則,帶來給你全新的冒險。同時本遊戲也提供了一種進入《復仇女神號》世界觀的新途徑。 他們說那次墜毀讓我思維混亂。他們說我在復仇女神號上的經歷使我產生了幻覺。但是每當我將耳朵貼近裸露的紅色岩石,就能聽到一種聲音。它們迴響在星球的深處,充滿飢渴和暴怒。很快我們就會驚醒它們——來自舊日火星的復仇之靈。我必須在一切發生之前逃離。 在面對著無盡恐懼時,你會信任你的同伴嗎?


Nemesis Lockdown is the first stand alone expansion to Nemesis. During the game, players will be taken to a totally new location - a secret base on Mars, represented by a multi level board. Lockdown will retain the highly cinematic, semi-co-op experience of the original game, while introducing a lot of new, fresh mechanics.

During the tense gameplay, you and your fellow players will gather items, explore different rooms and use your actions, craft, run, and fight other species. At the same time, every player will try to complete their secret objective, that will grant them victory... Sometimes at the expense of others.