富饒之城 2 Oriflamme

$ 169.00 $ 179.00
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MonsterGeek 現購買任何桌上遊戲本地運費一律港幣$25送到指定自取點。買滿港幣$800更有免運費優惠!


No. of Player:2 - 5
Playing Time:35 mins 
Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 )

國王駕崩了,但沒留下子嗣,在這座中世紀最華麗的富饒之城中,多個權貴家族為了奪取政權,使出各種陰謀、詭計 …… 甚至不惜用鮮血交換利益。

1. 覆蓋出牌以密謀奪位大業
2. 運用牌疊來保護利益或組織系列行動
3. 適當時機揭露計劃
4. 獲得最高影響力以登上寶座!

In Oriflamme, the players find themselves in the middle of a medieval feud over the French royal crown. The King is dead! Long live the King! As heads of influential families, the players strive to come to power with cunning and malice, power and strength, virtue and infamy. Their goal: the king's throne!

In the tactical card game, hidden cards are played in turn. By tactically uncovering and activating their effects, players can outdo or get them out of the way, because all players have the same goal in mind — to collect the most influence points for their family and thus win the game.
