Pie Face Sky High! (EN)

$ 235.00 $ 249.00
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MonsterGeek 現購買任何桌上遊戲本地運費一律港幣$25送到指定自取點。買滿港幣$800更有免運費優惠!


No. of Player:2 +

Step right up! The hilarious and wildly popular Pie Face game now lets players test their strength as they attempt to give their opponent a face full of whipped cream. (Whipped cream not included). The game is set up like a strength-tester carnival game -- towering over 3 feet tall. One player stands, looks through the mask, and faces the throwing arm. The other player hits the base plate with the plastic hammer hard enough to "pie" their opponent! The game has an easy-to-adjust difficulty setting, making it fun for young players and adults. Score a point each time an opponent gets whipped cream in the face. (Whipped cream not included. Additional purchase required.) The player to reach 3 points wins.