驚爆倫敦 Time Bomb

$ 179.00 $ 189.00
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MonsterGeek 現購買任何桌上遊戲本地運費一律港幣$25送到指定自取點。買滿港幣$800更有免運費優惠!


No. of Player:4 - 8
Playing Time:15 mins 
Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 )

莫里亞蒂在倫敦的大笨鐘安裝了定時炸彈!遊戲中玩家分成正反兩方,除了要找出隊友外,還要處理炸彈!機智的福爾摩斯一行人是否能在時間內解除炸彈?或是莫里亞蒂會與他的土同夥笑著離開大笨鐘的廢墟呢?Don‘t Mess with Cthulhy!經典重現!

Each player will be assigned a secret identity, Agent or Terrorist.
The game will unroll in a maximum of four rounds in which the agents want to defuse the bomb and the terrorists want it to explode.