醜娃娃:八寶的餅乾 Ugly Doll Babo's Cookies

$ 99.00 $ 109.00
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No. of Player:3 - 10
Playing Time:15 mins 
Version:Chinese ( 繁體中文 )  + English


The Crazy Snatch-the-Cookies Card Game
No cookie jar is left unemptied when Babo's around, so when he opens the jar you've got to be quick to snatch a cookie before they're all gone. Join Babo and the rest of the Uglydolls in this crazy card-passing, cookie-snatching game. Collect 4 matching Uglys and you can snatch a cookie. Too slow? Well... you can eat the crumbs!
The object of the game is to be the only player who has not collected 5 Crumb Tokens. The game is played in rounds, passing cards quickly from player to player. In each round, you try to collect 4-of-a-kind of a particular Uglydoll and be the quickest to grab a cookie from the middle before they’re all gone.