【Used】珊瑚物語 Reef

$ 180.00 $ 330.00
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No. of Player:2 - 4
Playing Time:30 - 45 mins 
Version:Chinese (繁體中文版)
Outside 外盒: A
Inside 配件:A- (有卡套)

每件已開盒桌遊均經過 MonsterGeek 檢查,以確保每件桌遊都可再次使用。MonsterGeek 亦列明每件桌遊新舊狀況,可作參考。請注意,已開盒桌遊一經出售,恕不退換。



In the game Reef, players take on the role of a coral reef, carefully selecting colors and patterns in which to grow and expand. On each turn, players can choose to pick up a new card from a choice of four, or play a card that is already in hand. Each card provides two reef pieces and a pattern that scores points if the existing reef has it (after placing the two new pieces). Whoever has the most points when the reef pieces (or card deck) run out wins!