奇詞妙想 Wonderword

$ 99.00 $ 109.00
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MonsterGeek 現購買任何桌上遊戲本地運費一律港幣$25送到指定自取點。買滿港幣$800更有免運費優惠!


No. of Player:2 - 5
Playing Time:30 mins 

游戲目標:猜對單詞可得分,創建別人猜不到的單詞也可得分。最先打到24分的玩家贏得游戲。每位 玩家都獲取5根火柴,洗牌並派發每人8張卡牌。玩 家根據8個字母創建單詞暗置於自己面前,所有玩家揭開單詞第一/最後的字母。輪流猜下玩家所創建的單詞,每人有5次猜詞機會,每猜一次消耗一根火柴。

Wonderword is a game with the aim to guess words formed by other players, starting from the last letter of the word. Points are awarded both to players who guess right and to those who form challenging words and succeed in revealing as many letters as possible, before a successful guess is made. The first player to reach 24 points wins the game.