禪宗大師 Zen Master

$ 99.00 $ 109.00
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MonsterGeek 現購買任何桌上遊戲本地運費一律港幣$25送到指定自取點。買滿港幣$800更有免運費優惠!


No. of Player:2 - 5
Playing Time:30 mins 

游戲目標:最善於平衡黑白、陰陽的玩家獲勝。每位玩家9張卡牌(1-50號的數字卡牌),翻開計分卡牌,玩家們輪流出牌,數字最大的拿計分卡牌上黑色三角形內數字數量的黑色火柴,數字最小的則拿灰色三角形內數宇數量的白色火柴。黑白兩色配 對調和,最終剩餘單色的火柴數量最少的玩家獲 勝。簡單來說,就是盡量控制自己獲得黑色和白色的火柴數量相等。

Each round in Zen Master, players play a card from their hand. The highest card played on a turn receives light tokens, the lowest card dark, with the exact number of tokens determined by a scoring card revealed for that turn. Once the round ends, players eliminate pairs of light and dark tokens from their holdings, and their score for the round equals however many tokens remain. After a certain number of rounds, whoever has the lowest score wins.