葡萄酒莊園:訪客擴充合集 Viticulture: Visitors Exp. Bundle

$ 319.00 $ 335.00
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No. of Player:1 - 6
Playing Time:60 - 120 mins 
Version:Traditional Chinese(繁體中文)


《葡萄酒莊園:邁向世界擴展》是一款以合作擴展,你將 與不斷擴張的釀酒家族的成員共同努力,挑戰7個獨特的世界地區組模,瞭解葡萄酒行業的歷史事件。 如果說《葡萄酒莊園》是一場與同伴的競速,那麼《邁向世界》將是一場與同伴一起的競速。

1. 沼澤農場的訪客
知名設計師 Uwe Rosenberg 合作設計。本擴充提供了40張全新效果的夏季、冬季訪卡,可以直接搭配基礎遊戲使用。這些訪客卡將為遊戲帶來更多的變化和策略選擇,喜愛《葡萄酒莊園》的你一定不會想錯過這些誘人的機會!

2. 萊茵河谷的訪客
《阿勒農場》共同設計師Tido Lorenz合作設計。本擴充包含整套用於替換的夏季與冬季訪客卡,降低了訪客卡中獲得聲望的效果,更著重於釀酒產業本身。使用這些全新效果的卡片來獲得更高價值的原材料,製作出完美品質的葡萄酒吧!

This Viticulture: Visitors Exp. Bundle included Moor Visitors Expansion and Visit from the Rhine Valley.

1. Moor Visitors Expansion
The Viticulture Moor Visitors Expansion, designed by famed designer Uwe Rosenberg (Agricola, Caverna, Patchwork) and Viticulture designers Jamey Stegmaier and Alan Stone, adds 40 new visitors to any version of Viticulture. Also included are corrected reprints of the Promoter and Harvest Machine cards.

2. Visit from the Rhine Valley
You have new visitors! Visit from the Rhine Valley, an expansion for Viticulture, provides you with a new set of eighty visitor cards, which focus less on victory points and more on the wine business itself. These cards have their own unique backs as they must be played without other visitor cards from Viticulture, Tuscany, and Moor Visitors.